
10 Strange Paranormal Powers and Phenomena – Part 10 – The Men in Black

Photo by Yasin Gündogdu from Pexels

It can be kind of considered a “phenomenon” and it is certainly a strange one and I have touched on it briefly a couple times before and most recently in one of my Obscure Encounters posts. Basically, they are people… or things, some believe they could be androids or aliens, that can either interrogate people, usually over alien or UFO sightings and also threaten them, sometimes it also happens with other types of paranormal phenomenon as well. Other times they can also just be totally bizarre and turn up out of the blue for no particular reason, this is less common.

In either situation they often act very strange and un-human like and can also often look unusual. They are known as Men in Black as they are most often dressed in smart black clothes, some are also reported to wear black fedoras and shades. Although not all reports of them are in black clothing, sometimes they can be witnessed in what appears to be an official uniform from some kind of government organisation or the military, of which they claim to come from.

Some encounters with them also allege strange paranormal abilities and powers which can include teleportation, memory wiping, transfiguring or transmuting objects, appearing or vanishing from/into thin air, mind tricking and illusions among others. In many stories they are or can be depicted using these powers to try and threaten people into silence. This alongside their often-uncanny behavior can lead to encounters with these beings becoming extremely strange and wild.

Men in Black reported encounters have been going on since the 1940s and are by far most commonly witnessed in the USA. Could it be some kind of secret off-the-charts government department pledged to hide the secrets of UFOs and aliens and other paranormal encounters from the wider public by silencing witnesses? Could they be aliens separate from the government with their own agenda, stopping people from getting their secrets out? Could it all just be crazy people or something else?

One incident with the Men in Black happened in August 1965 when a man called Rex Heflin claimed to have taken some photos of a UFO near a Marine Corps airfield in the US state of California. Rex made copies of these photos. Later he said that two men, saying they represent NORAD the North American Air Defense Command, took the original photos away. When it was reported NORAD said that it had no connection with any such officials.

Heflin would get another visit from two men again two years later after scientists at Colorado University became interested in the photocopies and began studying them. Heflin said the two men were wearing air force uniform on this occasion. Heflin would demand some details from them this time and wrote some down. The men would then ask about the photos and then strangely enquired into what Heflin knew about the Bermuda Triangle, which if you didn’t know is a place, quite well known now, where aircraft and ships have vanished, more often than chance should dictate.

Heflin would say that during the interview he noticed a car with a person sitting in the backseat and some kind of violet glow was illuminating the figure, as if it was from some kind of electronic panel. Heflin also noticed strange interference on his radio.

Despite the information collected by Heflin on the strange men, an investigation into the incident would fail to trace any sign of them.

Another bizarre incident would happen to a Dr. Herbert Hopkins on September 1976 in the US state of Maine and to me is one of the creepiest accounts of a man in black. In this Hopkins was helping on a UFO case by performing hypnotic regression, a kind of hypnosis that allegedly enables people to remember things such as traumatic experiences, on a witness.

Later on, during one evening while Hopkins was alone at his home while the rest of his family were out, the phone rang. The person on the other end claimed to be a ufologist from New Jersey and asked if he could discuss with Hopkins’ the case he was working on, which Hopkins agreed. The caller said he would come around right away… and he wasn’t joking.

Upon leaving the telephone and going to turn on the outside light he witnessed the man in question climbing his steps. Hopkins did not believe it possible for the man to arrive so fast after being on the phone only minutes earlier. The man was wearing a black suit, black hat, a tie, shoes and a white shirt under his suit. All of the clothing looked like it had only just been bought fresh. The man would take off his hat and was bald and he also accidentally smeared some lipstick he happened to be wearing.

Hopkins acted normal around this apparent MIB and discussed the case as if nothing strange was afoot. Soon the strange man’s voice begun to slur and he said something about a loss of energy before leaving.

This wasn’t the last strange incident for the Hopkins family though, only a few days later Hopkins’ daughter-in-law, Maureen, picked up the phone to a man claiming to know her husband, John. The man asked if he and his female companion could visit one evening. On further enquiry, Maureen’s husband said he didn’t remember them. Despite this they still agreed to meet them, going out to a local restaurant and then bringing the random couple back to their house.

The strange couple who were apparently in their mid-thirties wore old-fashioned clothes and acted very unusual, such as walking with very short steps, the woman’s legs seeming oddly-jointed and although they accepted drinks that they were offered, they never drank any.

Even weirder is that the man would fondle his companion and “ask if he was doing it right” and would also ask deeply personal questions, such as if Maureen had any nude pictures of herself.

Eventually the strange couple decided to leave, although the man became paralyzed for a short time, with the female companion asking Maureen’s husband to help move him, but before they could move him, he suddenly to life and then both of them marched out single-file without even saying goodbye.

It is all extremely strange! Just what could these people or things be and what are they playing at?

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