
10 Strange Paranormal Powers and Phenomena – Part 4

Unexplained Forces

Sometimes things can happen to electrical devices, people and vehicles that cannot be quite explained and many people believe it can be to do with electromagnetic energy in the air that is stronger in some places than others or can suddenly spike up for a time in an area on very rare occasions, even causing things such as balls of energy to appear in the air, wreaking havoc. Interestingly a phenomenon called Ball Lightning is now widely accepted by scientists, but this normally occurs during intense thunderstorms, although it is very rare. Much more still needs to be learned on the ball lightning phenomenon.

But other cases, balls of energy have also been reported without a thunderstorm having happened. One such case is alleged by some to have caused a mass power surge to hit a relay circuit near Syracuse, USA on November 1965 that led to a huge blackout across New York state and north-eastern parts of the US, the precise cause remains undetermined, but some eyewitnesses claimed to see a ball of energy near the effected relay site.

Another strange case involves a ball of energy interfering with two vehicles in the early hours of the morning on November 1967 in Sopley near Bournemouth involving a veterinarian returning from a late-night call along with a female passenger and a truck driven by Carl Farlow, they were approaching a cross roads alongside the River Avon, ahead of them the occupants of both vehicles witnessed a reddish coloured oval drift across the road, that is when the electronics on both vehicles begun failing, the headlights turning off and the batteries of both vehicles were drained, with the truck having to be towed away afterwards, but the car’s engine begun working again after the ball of energy had gone.

The drivers swapped notes on what had happened and also called the police, the Ministry of Defense even sent investigators to the site for further enquiries. There have been many reported incidents like this involving vehicles.

Further on unexplained forces, there have been reported incidents involving people who allegedly have high energy within their bodies that can affect and disrupt electrical equipment around them. One such case involves a woman called Jacqueline Priestman from Cheshire. Apparently in her presence electrical equipment would act-out, such as the TV changing channels when she walked near it, sparks flying out of plugs when plugging electrical equipment in and even the claim of flames pouring from a clothes iron she held.

Dr. Michael Shallis, a physical sciences lecturer at Oxford University, studied Jacqueline’s case and concluded she was one of a group of very rare people with ten times the normal electricity in her body than the average person. Eventually the phenomena stopped effecting Priestman, which was put down to a change of diet, that included eating more leafy green vegetables.

Of course, all of the above cases are up to interpretation and opinion and none are fully proven or just- science, much more research needs to be done into these realms, it is speculated that scientists often avoided the subject of unexplained energy phenomena, due to the attached stigma of aliens and UFOs.

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