
10 Strange Paranormal Powers and Phenomena – Part 9 – Mysteries Falling from the Sky

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Sometimes things can fall from the sky for no apparent reason and under very strange and mysterious circumstances that cannot be fully explained or explained at all which leads to many wild ideas for how these incidents could possibly happen.

Such incidents include things like live fish or frogs falling from the sky or dozens of birds dying and falling from the sky or even mundane objects or food items or other materials such as sand, blocks of ice and strange goo-like substances as well as coins and foods such as peas as well… but what could be causing these things?

Of course many people would come up with a rational explanation such as strong updrafts of wind or nearby storms, hurricanes or tornadoes that have hurled things into the air at such force that they have landed miles away elsewhere of which isn’t being effected by such weather, which can make it seem strange. But there have also been incidences where this explanation simply doesn’t fit, for example if there were no storms anywhere nearby. Other explanations have been on a religious cause, such as with cases of food items falling from the sky, that it came from the heavens, from angels or from God as a blessing, from culture to culture the explanation can be different depending on religious or folk or spiritual belief. Others have also suggested spontaneous teleportation as a factor.

What we do know though is that it has commonly happened throughout history and is likely where many beliefs have originated and been adapted from into religions and folklore. In Ecuador’s capital city in Quito there is folklore that their local volcano is the source of fish that has fallen from the sky during its history and in other parts of the world such as in Africa and the Americas there are tribes and peoples that believe in sky gods or ancestral spirits that bless them with food. In Greek historical records it has been recorded multiple times on fish falling from the sky in regular locations.

So, there are fish and animals that are one of the most common occurrences of strange things falling from the sky, but what about something more mundane, such as white dough, that was of a similar fashion used to make bread? On 17th March 1992 in Bellingham, Washington state in the USA a Doug and Paula Wood were astounded and baffled when a 20lb piece of white dough crashed through the roof of their home, describing the noise as like that of a sonic boom. Again, many Christians would go on to compare this with miracles from the Bible, such as the sprinkling of manna from the sky from God, an edible substance to feed the chosen Israelites.

Another strange incident, or series of incidents, happened in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. It begun in the afternoon of 16th June 1979. A teenager called Donna Matchett was raking leaves in her garden on a hot summer’s day when all of a sudden a loud crash happened behind her, upon turning around she would see a weird green blob that had fell on to a picnic table close by to her. Fire was shooting up out of the green mass and Donna grabbed a fire extinguisher to put out these flames, after this the green blob would solidify into a hard-flat mass riddled with marks and the object’s weight was only a few ounces. It became known as the Mississauga blob.

The Matchett family would become intrigued with what happened and try to figure it out. The Ministry of Environment and police would also conduct tests which both came to similar conclusions, although the Ministry of Environment would first release their conclusion, which was quite a far-jump, what they said is that it was a common type of plastic used to make toys and their strange explanation was that some kind of incendiary device or flare had somehow hit a child’s frisbee in mid-flight, both setting it on fire and deflecting it into the Matchett’s garden, it was an astronomical explanation.

Traven Matchett was not accepting of this wild explanation and so decided to do some tests of his own, trying to set alight a frisbee using a blowtorch, which took several minutes and then the frisbee only smouldered rather than catching fire, which reaffirmed to him that the explanation from the Environment Ministry wasn’t the case.

Another explanation is that some residue had come off of a crashing satellite. Three similar blobs had also come down around the area as well and it remains unsolved.

One strange but unsettlingly common phenomena that falls from the sky are known as ‘ice bombs’. These incidents are though not only hard to definitively explain but also quite dangerous with a number of very near misses that could have easily severely injured or even killed people. It is when blocks of ice seemingly just fall out of the sky for no reason and smash into the ground below. There are many theories as to what this could be and more than one of them could be correct.

One humorous theory is that of the plane toilet theory, where the contents of frozen urine can sometimes drop out of planes and come hurtling towards the ground. One incident happened in St Julien-les-Villas in the Aube region of France, happening on 8th July 1984, on this day a 1.5-meter hole was torn through the roof of a house by a block of ice that fell from the sky. Chemical analysis of the ice showed it was 20% urine…

Another incident, that could have easily spelled disaster for the passengers of a Boeing 727 was confirmed to have happened by the Federal Aviation Authority when a piece of ice from the planes broken toilet, broke off and knocked one of the plane’s engines off, sending it hurtling into the Florida marshland.

But it isn’t always just toilets that can drop frozen urine and toilet water by accident, it can also be from planes where ice have formed on the wings and came off in the air, due to de-icing not working properly.

But there are also other possible explanations among those such as icy meteors from space and also lightning and other rare atmospheric conditions we have still yet to fully understand.

So, it seems that many of these things can obviously be explained, specifically the ice bombs, but there are many other incidents out there, such as the plastic blobs and fish from the sky, that are unable to be fully explained. So, the next time you’re out walking, just remember to be a bit more wary of the wide-open sky above your heads… because you never know what might be falling down up there, we often spend our time looking for possible threats from right in-front of us or behind us or to our sides, but very rarely to we look up for any possible threats.

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