The tiny nation of Brunei, also called Brunei Darussalam is located in Asia and its territory is split into two separate pieces, with the main part having the capital of Bander Seri Begawan on the coast. The tiny nation is wedged into the island of Borneo which has Brunei bordered with Malaysia and also has […]
Me and Friendships
So last time I did one of these on relationships where I focused on romantic relationships due to it being Valentine’s Day. And so now I thought why not go on to this subject next where I talk about my experience with friendship and the such so far and also give some insight into it […]
The Paranormal Alphabet – U – Uri Geller
Uri Geller is an oddball magician and illusionist, TV personality and who believes himself to be a psychic. Perhaps he is most widely known for his tricks of seemingly bending spoons with his mind. Featured Photo: By Dmitry Rozhkov from Wikimedia. License. Geller was born in December 1946 in Tel Aviv, Israel. His father was […]
Sometimes things can fall from the sky for no apparent reason and under very strange and mysterious circumstances that cannot be fully explained or explained at all which leads to many wild ideas for how these incidents could possibly happen. Such incidents include things like live fish or frogs falling from the sky or dozens […]
The Government System of Brazil
Brazil is a large country located in the continent of South America, in-fact the largest country on that continent, it borders 9 different countries and one overseas territory which is pretty huge, these are Suriname, Guyana, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina and Uruguay, it also borders the French overseas territory of French Guiana and […]
Can Emily Thornberry Make It?
The deadline is today to make it on to the ballot by either getting the backing of 33 local labour constituency parties or 3 trade unions or Labour affiliates. All but one of the standing candidates have this required backing. Emily Thornberry continues to struggle currently sitting on 30 CLP nominations, she is about a […]
Me and Relationships
So, as it is Valentine’s Day today, I thought there would be no better cliché time but to have the Me and… series move on to the subject of relationships. Of course, don’t expect any advice here as I don’t have any and I am as fresh in this subject as pretty much anyone looking […]
Time slips are unexplained events that some people have claimed to experience where all of a sudden, they have miraculously for whatever reason found themselves suddenly in a different time period, most often it is in the past but sometimes some people have even claimed to have accidentally slipped into the future. It is a […]
The Thunderbird is a mythological creature and is a big part of many Native American tribes’ beliefs in North America, especially those of the Pacific Northwest Coast including parts of both the US and Canada. From tribe to tribe there are varying stories and belief in them. Such differing belief includes as a few examples, […]
Thoughtography is an ability that some people have claimed to possess and it allows them to use their mind to develop images on film. The people that claim to have it can knowingly affect the outcome of photographic film by making shapes and other things appear that were not there physically when the picture was […]