
2020 Democratic Presidential Primaries and Caucuses

The 2020 Democratic Primaries and Caucuses will be kicking off soon with the first caucus happening on the 3rd February in the state of Iowa and the first primary happening in New Hampshire on the 11th February. The intention of the primaries and caucuses is to divide up people known as “delegates” to the standing democratic presidential […]


The Paranormal Alphabet – P – Poltergeist

A poltergeist is an entity from the realms of the paranormal, some describe them as angry restless spirits of those deceased while others are described as dangerous inhuman demons while other people believe it is accidently caused by people with limited telekinesis/psychokinesis. All in all, the poltergeist is an alleged entity that is able to […]


The Labour Candidates – Jess Phillips

NOTE: Jess Phillips has since pulled out of the race. So, with her out of the race now I decided to post this early instead of in Feb when I originally planned. The other profiles will start being released in the second-half of Feb and into March. If any others drop out I will release […]


10 Strange Paranormal Powers and Phenomena – Part 5

Spontaneous Human Combustion Next up we move to a scarier and more macabre subject that can also potentially be related to unexplained levels of energy within the body, at least in some of the theories of course. It is the unexplained and alleged phenomenon of spontaneous human combustion. I remember when I first came across this […]


The Government System of Benin

The country of Benin is a country located in the West of the African continent and is bordered with four countries, Togo, Burkina Faso, Niger and Nigeria and also has a coast along the Gulf of Guinea in the Atlantic Ocean. There was once a kingdom within the country called the Kingdom of Dahomey, but […]


10 Strange Paranormal Powers and Phenomena – Part 4

Unexplained Forces Sometimes things can happen to electrical devices, people and vehicles that cannot be quite explained and many people believe it can be to do with electromagnetic energy in the air that is stronger in some places than others or can suddenly spike up for a time in an area on very rare occasions, […]


The Paranormal Alphabet – O – The Owl Man

The Owlman is pretty much the United Kingdom’s version of the iconic Mothman from the United States. The Owlman is hardly as well known as the Mothman but here I will go over some of its history and what exactly it is believed to be by some. It comes from Cornish legend as the first […]


The Government System of Belize

One of my recent blog posts to do with close encounters with the paranormal was featured on a creature and sighting from this country. And now we will see how its government system works. Belize is a small country on the east coast of Central America, a strip of land containing a number of nations […]


10 Strange Paranormal Powers and Phenomena – Part 3

Part 3 – Helsby Hill Window Area A window area or region is a place where paranormal and unexplained phenomena happens much more often than chance should dictate, the idea of these areas was first brought up by John Keel in the mid-1960s. Keel was an American journalist, UFOlogist and avid researcher of the paranormal and unexplained […]


10 Strange Paranormal Powers and Phenomena – Part 2

Crop Circles  I would hazard a guess at most people knowing what crop circles are, but if you don’t, in short it is strange and often expansive patterns that have been found in many crop fields around the world, with many pictures of the phenomena available to view online, many of which come from the […]