
The Growing Problem of Online Doxing

Featured Photo by Marcellino Andrian from Pexels. Hello one and all. Today on a lifestyle post I thought I would talk about something that can be very worrying for people who use the internet quite extensively in their life, especially for social needs and it is the problem of doxing. I will talk about what […]


The Government of – Andorra

Featured Photo: Map owned by Google from Google Maps. Flag of Andorra edited on by me is in Public Domain. Andorra is a tiny country tucked away in the Pyrenees mountains in Europe, completely landlocked by both Spain and France. As of 2017 it had a small population of just under 77,000, a drop in […]


The Paranormal Alphabet – A – The Shapeshifting Aswang

Featured Photo: By H.M. Bec from Wikimedia. License. The Aswang is a mythical evil spirit that originates from the Phillipines. They are shapeshifters who are human by day but evil hungry beasts by night, hunting for prey. There are a wide variety of descriptions of what the Aswang looks like and so there is no […]


My Top 5 Favourite ‘Dinner Time’ Meals

Featured photo: By Snapwire from Pexels. I am a big foodie, everyone I know knows that simple fact about me, I love good food, I love most food, from the basic to advanced meal, a good breakfast, lunch and dinner is a big part of my life and pretty much everyone else’s life as well, […]


Ukraine’s ‘Comedic’ Presidential Election – The Continued Rise of the Non-Establishment

With the interesting results coming out of the 1st Round of the Presidential Election in Ukraine, I thought I would do a different blogpost today, postponing my current Government Explanation Series. The result of the exit poll, which are normally very accurate, have the top two candidates as…   Volodymyr Zelenskiy topping it with 30.4% of the vote. […]


5 Legendary Characters/People from Folklore

Featured image in Public Domain. Legendary characters from folklore are people or deities that may or may not have existed, normally from a period of time thousands of years ago, such characters are normally known for great, sometimes perhaps unnatural acts of heroism and great feats that a normal person would not have been capable […]


5 Things People with Autism Struggle At

Featured Photo by Tim Gouw from Pexels As I have said in some of my previous blogposts on Autism, life for a person on the Autism Spectrum can be difficult, especially in later life, people with high-functioning Autism may realize they are lacking behind others and unfortunately this can lead to depression and a sense of worthlessness, […]


The Government of – Algeria

Algeria is a large country located in the North of Africa, bordered with six other countries, which are Morocco, Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Libya and Tunisia as well as having a long coast on the Mediterranean Sea, Algeria also has a small border with the disputed Western Sahara territory, which I will tell a bit more […]


5 Myths & Folklore from Around the World

Myths, Legends, Folklore… all of it makes up a large part of the world we live in, they are part of traditions both old and new, they are part of oral stories past on through generations serving entertainment, humor, horror and sometimes guidance. Some choose to take folklore and legends seriously, such as that of […]


What Autism Means for Me as an Individual

Autism is no small condition, it is something that affects you from birth all the way up until the time you leave the Earth and the affects it has on your life are very big and often times others may not even know how much it can manipulate the life of someone who has it, […]