Hello and welcome back to my country’s government series and our next stop after Afghanistan is Albania. Albania is a country located in the South East of Europe in the Balkan Peninsula. It is bordered by four different countries, Montenegro, Macedonia, Greece and Kosovo, although some countries refuse to recognize Kosovo, which is a recent […]
Featured Photo – Photo by Miriam Espacio from Pexels Aliens or otherwise more formally known as extra-terrestrials when referring to possible life from outer-space have fascinated people for many decades and became a huge part of pop-culture even more so after productions such as War of the Worlds, Steven Spielberg’s Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind and the X-Files […]
Top 10 Favourite Playstation-2 Games
Featured Photo by Nikita Kostrykin on Unsplash The Playstation-2 was a big part of my young and now long gone childhood and is pretty much where I first got into any sort of gaming type content, although I did have some experience with SEGA MegaDrive (SEGA Genesis to those in NA) and PlayStation One beforehand, but the Playstation-2 is where it […]
The Government of – Afghanistan
Featured Image: Afghanistan Map Picture made by Sommerkom (Wikipedia). Creative Commons License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/bysa/3.0/deed.en – https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Afghanistan_physical_en.png (The Afghan flag I edited in on its corner is not owned by the individual and is in the public domain and free to use). Hello and welcome to my new series of politics related blogposts to do with how each countries government system […]
The Enfield Haunting
Featured Photo: Taken by Graham Morris, Daily Mirror photographer The Enfield haunting, also called the Enfield poltergeist, was a series of supposed paranormal events that took place at a house in the United Kingdom within the London Borough of Enfield which is located in North London, the events started on 31st August 1977 and lasted up […]
It is time for me to address what the general schedule will be for this year and what to expect from each category in the coming months as I feel that my current blogposts have been a bit all over the place and not in a very good order and I also feel like many […]
Featured photo: by Pixabay.com from Pexels It mostly comes down to communication and social cues. People with Autism simply don’t understand most of the time how to start and keep a proper conversation going and also fail to identify common social cues which can put general people off of them or cause them to avoid […]
The Mothman
Hey all. I am back again after Christmas and New Year’s festivities, hope you all had a good time and welcome back to my blog in the fresh new year of 2019. Today I thought I would go for another classic in the world of the unexplained and mysterious by taking a look at the […]
Featured Image by Pixabay.com from Pexels. It will be Christmas Eve upon this post going up and so such a time has it that I would obviously take the chance of doing a Christmas blogpost, what better way to do a Christmas blogpost than to go through a number of different countries to see how […]
Top 5 Unsatisfying Cups of Tea
Featured photo by rawpixel.com from Pexels. A good cup of tea is a big part of British culture, it is no secret and also no stereotype. A cup of tea is a staple part of many British house holds, you often have a pot of sugar, a pot of teabags and a lot of milk […]