
Contemplating Existence, Pre-Birth and Death

Note: Since it was Easter last weekend I took the Monday off and so I am only uploading this short post that I had previously typed up. My blogposts are typed up usually a week in advance and so that is why the inconsistency is now instead of on the actual Easter Monday. Usual posts will be back from tomorrow.

How did things come to exist? It is what pretty much everyone has asked at some point in their life, of how anything at all exists and how something could have come from nothing… what could have started everything off and lead to our existence? Many people have different explanations through many types of religion, many of which there is a God or Gods that created existence while scientists say everything was created via a big explosion.

But even then, you wonder, what created this or that God or what created that Big Bang in the first place… clearly something at some point had to have come from nothing… right? But if that is the case then how is that possible. Surely it should be impossible for anything to have ever existed as nothing could have originally existed to create anything in the first place – what was the first ever thing that came into existence and how was it possible for it to come into existence and then somehow lead to the existence and/or creation of everything else over a period of a very long time?

You can circle through these questions over and over again and all it will do is lead to a deep existential crisis that makes you wonder more and more about how anything at all could possibly even exist. But what about thinking back before you are born? What was that like? We don’t know! It was just blackness? Or was it?! We can’t remember! But then was there even anything to remember at all?! I mean, at least according to science the answer would be no, since you didn’t exist until you were conceived so there was no possible way for you to have at all noticed anything of the time you didn’t exist – because you didn’t exist! Although some choose to believe in reincarnation, that we did in-fact live many previous lives and that when we die in this life, we will start another new life, although not necessarily as a human but perhaps as an animal or something else. Some people even claim to have remembered bits of previous life from time to time and some believe strange feelings of de ja vu to be our past lives peeping in and itching at us.

What is consciousness? What makes us… us? Why am I exactly as my individual self and what decided that I would inhabit my brain – how is it possible? What happens when we lose consciousness for the final time and die… one of the biggest mysteries of them all… what happens after death? We already brought up reincarnation as something that may happen or perhaps there is some kind of heavenly place we go to or some kind of paradise or bad place depending on our actions through life. Maybe we become ghosts or perhaps we could choose if we want to remain behind as a ghost or choose to move on, there is some strong belief that is a possibility and there are many who claim to help spirits or ghosts move on to whatever the great beyond is. What if nothing happens after death… perhaps it is just nothingness again, perhaps when that light turns off, we won’t even know.

And alas once again we find ourselves back at nothingness, back in non-existence… or de we?!

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