
First Family Dog – Story

Crazily our first family dog is still alive (touch wood), I’m not exactly sure how old he is, but for a dog he is for sure pretty ancient now and our second family dog is no longer with us, so I have a small hunch he might have mastered the ability to suck the life out of other dogs to live longer.

I remember for a long time me and my brother would ask our mum for a dog but she would always say no. The first experiences we had with a dog was a Staffordshire Ball Terrier we looked after for one of my mum’s friends, which the dog I am pretty sure had the same name as me (Charlie). He was big dopey and sweet and I remember he’d carry this big rawhide bone around the house all the time.

I think that experience led to my mum’s love for that breed of dog and so it wasn’t long after that when we got our first family dog, which was also a Staffordshire Bull Terrier. This one was smaller but also quite a lot more intelligent. His coat is very soft and silky.

Image by Charlotte Yealey from Pixabay

He has a white coat with a brindle patch on one side of his head over his eye and another brindle patch on one side of his bottom (opposite to the side of the other Brindle patch). I remember the days leading up to getting him we had a basket all set up ready for him as well as some puppy toys. The day eventually came when my mum arrived at our primary school one day to pick up me and my brother and she was holding our first ever family dog in her arms.

It is weird thinking back to this time since he was so small and spindly back then. I mean even now he is still fairly small and spindly compared to many others of his same breed, but back when he was a puppy, he was smaller so. He was named Bubba and one of his nicknames is baby-woo-woo.

One prominent memory I have of him is how he would run down the hallway in the house we lived at during the time, he would run with a strange sideways gait. I also remember being able to outrun him for a while until he eventually grew up and became much faster, although now a days he is unable to run fast and I can once again out-run him, which is weird to think about.

Image by Melanie Thomas from Pixabay

Bubba would be a playful dog, although he wasn’t as obsessed with the ball as our 2nd dog (Bear), he would still chase after it but was not guaranteed to bring it back for another throw like Bear would and there was either a high likelihood of him sniffing and then leaving the ball where it landed or just ripping it up. One thing Bubba really did like though were raggy toys, so like rope toys for example, he would love to play tug-o-war and he’d get really into it and when he won, he would then shake the rope toy very rigorously while holding it in his mouth.

Of course, that’s no longer something he can do as well now a days, he would still be up for it but we would have to be a lot gentler with him now as he is an old boy.

Another thing Bubba likes, is just simply being petted, he would specifically sit near you just for a normal stroke, not so much a belly rub, but just stroking of the head and back and sometimes belly rubs.

Image by Dané Spamers from Pixabay

So yeah, I have established that Bubba is quite old and that is very much the case. Again, I am not exactly sure how old but it is certainly over the age of 10 for certain, could even be close or beyond 15. There have been a few close calls for him where we thought he might possibly be on his way out, one such was when he suddenly had loads of lumps come up on his body out of nowhere and he became quite weak and sickly looking.

He was taken to the Vet but they said it may be calcium deposits which old dogs can sometimes get. It did get to a point on one of the nights where my mum actually thought he was about to die, but somehow, he was ok in the end. All his lumps ended up just going away and he got better, we still don’t know exactly what was up.

And that above scare was quite a few years back now and he is still going fairly strong without any sign of dying off yet, which is really cool. Obviously after what happened to my mum (aneurysm) a lot changed and our dogs at the time were given to my cousin and her mum to look after and although Bear is no longer with us, Bubba is still happy and content and still seems as if he will last a while, although I know he could go at any time, as Bear did.

So that’s our first family dog. I’d thought I would do this kind of post today as I am going to slowly ramp my blogging back up instead of jumping right back into it. So, for now the schedule is paranormal US states series post on Monday’s, lifestyle and story posts on Tuesday’s and Friday’s and Government systems posts on Thursday’s.

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