
Get Ready for Fearsome Critters – Halloween Week

Ok, so I know literally no one reads this at the moment. But whatever, this is for the future people who come to this blog. One of my favourite days of the year is right around the corner – Halloween! The spookiest day of the year. And the week leading up to Halloween, starting from Friday the 25th October, I will be doing a post a day, with Halloween Week being rounded off on 31st October, Halloween itself, with the final post of the week’s series.

But on what? Well it is going to focus on a piece of folklore known as Fearsome Critters. As I have mentioned before this is a type of lumberjack folklore that originates from the North American wilderness, so in the dense and vast woods and forests of the United States and Canada. It is about strange and fantastical creatures that “inhabit” those woods and forests.

Many of the Fearsome Critters were simply stories made up in Lumber camps to pass the time. Others were made in an attempt to explain unexplained things they had seen and heard in the woods and forests, while some were simply mis-identification of existing animals and others were made for darker reasons, such as explaining the disappearance of Lumberjacks who had gone out into the wilderness but never returned. But it is all very interesting to learn about the various different types of these creatures made out there and also coming up for reasons why it exists related to what the lumberjacks did back then.

Many of the fearsome critters in the stories were heavily based on how they acted and behaved strangely rather than what they looked like. Although there are still many artistic renditions of what others believed or liked to think that they looked like. Many of the creatures that were described were often the story teller pushing the boundary on more wacky creatures, as a number of fearsome critters were simply existing animals that acted strangely. The artistic renditions I have come across of a few of the Fearsome Critters often reminds me of magical creatures from the world of Harry Potter.

So, get ready and look forward to them coming on and from the 25th October up until 31st October – Halloween! I suggest with each fearsome critter post, get yourself a warm drink, such as tea, coffee or even some hot chocolate and also a snack, perhaps a few sweets and a bit of chocolate, or some Autumn/Fall fruits if you want to be healthy and get yourself into some comfy clothes, such as pajamas and a blanket, turn off the lights, sit back, relax and read and get into the spirit of spooky and crisp Autumn/Fall.

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