
Halloween Week Day 3/7 – Fearsome Critters – The Gumberoo

The Gumberoo is certainly a beast you do not want to cross deep in the wilderness. This large bear-shaped fearsome critter lurks around the woods and forests with an insatiable appetite. The solitary beast is said to be completely hairless apart from having some nice stylish bushy eyebrows as well as hair dangling from its large chin like a beard. Another common description has it shaped as a giant walking football!

The beast appears to have some kind of natural armor or exoskeleton that is described as being impenetrable to arrows and bullets, and if an unfortunate soul who crossed its path attempted to use these weapons on it, the arrows or bullets would simply ricochet off of the beast, merely annoying it, as if little flies were bumping into it. No matter where you attacked the beast, be its head, its legs, its body, using almost any kind of melee or ranged weapon, would cease to be effective.

More than not these people would end being gobbled away by the creature, never to be seen again. But the big ole’ Gumberoo’s appetite is never satisfied while its awake. It is always hungry, no matter what it eats and this drives it to eat anything it perceives as being edible. So pretty much any animal or human it may meet deep in the wilderness, will likely be its next meal.  

Luckily for many loggers and others who frequent the wilderness, they will be happy to know that the Gumberoo is not so active and spends most of its time in a state of hibernation, said to make its home in large burned-out Cedar trees. There is only a few days a year that the Gumberoo awakens from its long periods of hibernation, where it will then hunt anything it can find to eat.

There are though, some chance for unfortunate people who end up coming across one to get away. There is one weakness that the Gumberoo has and this is against fire. The Gumberoo could only be defeated by setting it on fire and then running far away, as the beast would eventually explode! And so, having a way to make fire quickly deep in the wilderness would be an important asset just in case you were ever to come across this, hungry, hungry and apparently, dangerously flammable and explosive Gumberoo.

One thing for me is sure, I really like saying its name. Gumberoo! Gumberoo! Gumberoo! It’s a fun name to say.

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