
Halloween Week Day 4/7 – Fearsome Critters – The Hidebehind

The Hidebehind is one of the scarier and more sinister Fearsome Critters which specifically preyed on humans who entered deep into the wilderness and was often blamed by Lumberjacks for disappearances of their companions when they didn’t return. The Hidebehind has no description as it has never actually been seen as it is impossible to see it.

The Hidebehind you see is the absolute king at hide and seek, it is in its name, quite literally. If you are deep in the woods or forests and begin hearing strange noises and sounds, have the feeling you are being watched or feel like you are being stalked, then it is possibly a Hidebehind and if so, your fate is pretty much sealed. There is little that can be done to get away from one and if you attempt to look behind you to try and catch it following you, it will always quickly hide behind an object or even more scarily, right behind you just out of eyeshot, moving at impossible and unmatched speed, meaning you’ll never see it, no matter how hard you try to catch it out.

Being that it is so good at hiding it likely has a way of blending in very well to the environment, as well as being ridiculously fast. Eventually after a while of stalking its victim, the Hidebehind will suddenly attack and kill its victim and drag their body back to its lair, where it would then devour it, leaving no trace of the poor soul.

Such a beast in its essence is clearly terrifying. Something that can stalk you but can never be seen, so no matter how much you look and check and look again, it will still be there, you are just too slow to see it. But surely you ask, there must be some way to protect myself from this heinous beast?! Well of course there is, as they are said to have an aversion to alcohol, hating the smell of it. And so, carrying alcohol with you would be a way of making sure you aren’t tracked and taken away by a Hidebehind. Although I can’t also help but think this part was made up specifically by lumberjacks as an excuse to bring alcohol with them during their work.

It is likely once again the Hidebehind was made up to explain strange and unexplained noises out in the wilderness as well as an explanation for those who vanished and was a way of explaining the dangers of the work lumberjacks did.

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