
Halloween Week Day 5/7 – Fearsome Critters – The Hugag

The hugag is a large herbivore, in many cases as large as a Moose and even sometimes much larger than that! It is a part of the many stories of Fearsome Critters. The creature though has an unfortunate predicament that it must contend with, often making it very prone to life or death situations. This major disability is that the Hugag, standing on four long legs, has no knees!

What this means for the poor Hugag is that it is unable to lean down and eat grass and low-lying plants, making it significantly harder for it to feed itself the food it so needs to survive. But the Hugag does have a strange solution to this problem, which is that it has a massive front lip that dangles down from its mouth! Using this long lip, it wanders the woods and forests wrapping it around trees and other higher up vegetation, enabling it to feed.

But in the face of having no knees on its long legs, the Hugag must also sleep standing up and to do this the Hugag has no choice but to lean against trees so it can get some much-needed sleep. But the humans take advantage of this! How you ask? In many of the stories the lumberjacks described using axes to cut into trees to the point where they are very unstable. Any Hugag unfortunate enough to lean on these tampered-with trees, simply for sleep, would find it collapsing, having the poor Hugag tumble to the ground with it!

In the absence of knees, it is impossible for the Hugag to get up, leaving it stranded on the ground, allowing easy pickings for humans hungry for a good meal. So, in essence it appears in this scenario, the humans are the Fearsome Critters to the Hugag, rather than the other way around. Many stories that involved Hugags in the logging camps were told to new-comers who were none-the-wiser, fooling them with a silly story about a silly animal they pretended was native to the area, as a mocking laugh.

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