My favourite times of the year are coming around once again, the festive seasons of Autumn and Winter and the festive months of October, November and December. Halloween, Guy Fawkes Night and Christmas is soon around the corner. I feel like this year of 2019 has gone really quickly.
We are coming up to the time of year where outdoor Autumn and Winter markets begin to become a popular attraction, that includes food stalls, ornaments, specially of the festive variety, gifts, sweets and chocolate. Halloween is all about sweets and chocolate for many people during the month of October. I always like to treat myself to some sweets and chocolate on Halloween as well as watch a good movie while ignoring the knocks at the door – my sweets – my chocolate!

Halloween is great though, including seeing what decorations the neighbors may put up, some of them go all out just for the one night, it is fairly surprising as they practically have to take it all down again the very next day, unlike Christmas where it is normal to keep them up for a couple weeks. For me Halloween would also include reading up about the world of the paranormal even more than I already do. I’d even like to one Halloween go to one of those so-called haunted attractions just to see for myself if I can experience anything. I really love the spookiness of Halloween; the usually colder nights and the general gloominess of the weather makes it all the more fitting.
And of course, I always have to carve a number of pumpkins, last year I did five. I really just can’t wait, even though it always goes so quickly. But there are also other parts of it I enjoy, such as the festive Halloween and Christmas events that come to the games, I play during this time period, which are always my favourite. But for Halloween specifically, there is always just something in the air I can’t quite put my finger on, just a very certain festive feeling that is hard to explain, but you can almost smell it and feel it. I may make some toffee apples again this year, I already made four earlier this year, but I hope for Halloween the toffee apples I make will be better than them.

I am actually hoping for a colder autumn and winter this year as it always helps to get me more into the festive spirit when the weather is just right for it. The last few years I have been fairly disappointed at the weather being too warm for the season, even into November last year I was still in danger of sun burn and having to put on sun screen while outside, which was quite ridiculous. So, this year I really am hoping for the weather to feel more like the season, so a bit colder and just a more general sense of darker/gloomy days. I really like the dark mornings as it feels more peaceful and quieter when I take my dog for a walk.

During this time of the year as well fireworks become more common which is something else, I really like, the bright colours and the noise really gets me into the spirit of the season, although at the same time this can be a bad thing, such as scaring dogs and other pets so I would also be in favour of limiting fireworks to special occasions, such as Halloween, Guy Fawkes Night and New Year’s. On Guy Fawkes Night we would often go out to see a firework display but now we choose to remain home with our pets, to comfort them during the fireworks.
But moving on further from that we then enter into the Christmas season! One of my absolute favourite times of the year, for me it is more about the wholesomeness of the period rather than about what presents or gifts you may get. So, spending time with family, going out to Christmas markets and events, decorating the house or looking out at others festive decorations and outdoor Christmas displays and also letting yourself go a bit by eating chocolate, sweets, pastries, cakes at times you usually would not. And at the end of it all, just having a good Christmas meal with those you love.

And then finally we get to the New Year’s, on New Year’s Eve I always like to track the displays online around the world from when they begin over in Australia and the Pacific Islands, through Asia and Africa before it finally reaches the United Kingdom and I watch the display in London live from my computer.

All in all the coming months of October, November and December are always my absolute favourite and I cannot wait for it to get started.
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