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January Ramblings #14 – UK Today in Coronavirus, Anti-Genocide Amendment and Biden Inauguration

UK Today in Coronavirus

Image by torstensimon from Pixabay

Scotland’s lockdown has now been extended until the middle of February, following similar lines of England’s lockdown which is also planned to last at the very least until a similar peroid of time. Scotland’s First Minister said that although the situation has stabilised for the country, ending the lockdown could quickly reverse the positive results that have been made from the lockdown. Schools will also remain closed in Scotland although there will be a review from 2nd February looking into a phased return to in-school learning.

It is hoped in Scotland that everyone in the top four priority groups will have been inoculated by May.

Meanwhile some news has come out that has put some possible doubts on the UK’s current vaccine strategy. It comes after a preliminary study by scientists in Israel on 200,000 people vaccinated by the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine. Overrall the study shows good news in that the vaccine is working as expected, but that people who have only taken the first dose of the vaccine are still vulnerable, making it ineffective for there to be a long delay of a 2nd dose, which the UK is currently doing in a bid to quickly get out 15 million 1st doses to the top four priority groups by the middle of February.

The study shows that those over the age of 60 who have only taken the first dose of the vaccine are still extremely vulnerable to the coronavirus. The study also shows those vaccinated would not have the full benefit until after 14-days. But for those who had only taken the first dose, only a drop in 33% positive cases were recorded, which comes into conflict with UK scientists in December who said that one dose would be 89% effective. But scientists in Israel have said they expect the positive case drop to increase as they study younger patients who will eventually take the vaccine, but it is still believed that 89% effective on the first dose is overly optimistic.

Israel are currently on delaying a 2nd dose by three weeks for its patients while the UK is delaying the 2nd dose currently by up to 12 weeks. It has also been said though that a longer delay between the first dose and following booster doses can actually increase the immune response more substantially once the 2nd dose is administered. And so really it is still clear much more research is yet needed.

In light of this news the UK’s Chief Scientific Officer has said the UK must keep a close eye on the numbers and results, although the Scientific Officer agrees the vaccine first dose probably isn’t as high as 89% effective he was skeptical over it being as low as 33%.

Anti-Genocide Amendment Could be Removed from Trade bill

Image by Capri23auto from Pixabay

An amendment that makes it against the law to create trade deals with a foreign country that is actively committing genocide is a step closer to being removed after a narrow vote in the House of Commons, a number of rebel Tory MPs voted against removing the provision. It will now go on to the House of Lords (who originally added the amendment to the bill) where there is a strong possibility that removal of the amendment may be rejected or replaced with a similar version, in such case then it would return to the House of Commons, this may lead to the amendment possibly being accepted if more rebels come over or ping-ponging between the two chambers until one side gives up – usually the House of Lords.

A significant number of Tory MPs – 33 – rebelled against the government in the vote, joining with Labour to try and vote down the bid to remove the amendment. Such narrow votes are rare when the government has such a large majority as it does but it is very obviously a controversial issue, genocide is a terrible disgusting thing, and who would want to really be seen removing such a provision? Basically giving indifference to genocide itself in exchange for economically positive trade.

The vote is also unfortunate in its timing after the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo declared that China’s treatment of the Uighur population amounts to genocide. At the same time China has been growing in economic importance and influence across the region and world, and so many nations are certainly willing to be ignorant on any such human rights abuses in such cases.

Joe Biden Inauguration Day

Image by 1778011 from Pixabay

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be inaugurated as President and Vice-President respectively later today in the capital Washington D.C with the ceremony being a mostly virtual event due to the coronavirus pandemic. The event is also being heavily guarded due to possible threats from Trump supporters and believers in the Qanon conspiracy theories. A number of people armed with weapons and ammo have already been stopped and arrested over recent days leading up to the inauguration.

Washington D.C itself has numerous checkpoints setup around the Capitol buildings and the area is heavily guarded by at least 26,000 National Guard troops, many of which themselves have had background checks over recent days to remove any who possibly may pose a threat to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris due to far-right or Qanon links, a small fraction of them have already been removed after such investigations. Many roads around the Capitol are also closed to all traffic and non-residents. Hotels in the area have also been refusing to accept people and everyone is being urged to watch the event from home either via online stream or television. Only a number of important officials and former Presidents have been allowed to attend in-person.

Donald Trump himself will not be attending the inauguration and is instead staying at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. Mike Pence on the other hand will be attending the inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, while skipping out on Trump’s sendoff ceremony. There will also be a number of celebrity singers putting on entertainment.

Donald Trump made his farewell speech yesterday going over what he see’s as many of his accomplishments while in office and also insisted that their movement was only just beginning. The inauguration will mark the end of the 4-year-long Trump era, although Trumpism itself is expected to have influence in US politics for years to come.

Trump also made 73 pardons and 70 prison sentence commutations during his finals hours in office, as is usual for the President to do during this time period, although he has not pardoned himself or any of his family like some had expected. One of the pardons was given to the controversial figure Steve Bannon. There is still further time for Trump to give further pardons and commutations although it will be seen if he will do so.

The inauguration will be going ahead from 4pm GMT today.

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