
Labour Leadership CLP Nominations

Over 500 local Labour constituency parties have now nominated one of the standing candidates for the Labour Leadership Election according to the CLP Nominations twitter account and Emily Thornberry is still struggling to reach the required amount of 33.

By far Keir Starmer is top with almost 300 CLP nominations followed by Rebecca Long-Bailey on 136 and then Lisa Nandy on 57, but for these candidates it no longer matters how many CLPs nominate them as they have already qualified for the ballot of Labour members in April.

Meanwhile Emily Thornberry sits on 21 CLP nominations, so she needs 12 more to nominate her so she can qualify for the April ballot, this is still perfectly possible as there are still over 100 CLPs to declare, although it isn’t guaranteed all of them will nominate someone before the deadline which is this week on Friday, 14th February.

So by the end of this week we will find out if she reaches the required number, for now though it looks like it is going to be close as the vast amount of CLPs continue to nominate either Keir Starmer or Rebecca Long-Bailey.

The favourite to win the ballot in April remains to be Keir Starmer by far, but also keep in mind due to the fact its members that vote rather than the general public, the favourite doesn’t always win. I believe Keir Starmer, Long-Bailey and Lisa Nandy all have a fairly good chance of winning, but that it will most likely be either Starmer or Long-Bailey.

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