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Laying Low for this Week

I have had quite a bad headache for a few days now so for this week I have decided it is best to just relax and rest for the week instead of heavily concentrating on the next batch of research for my Government Series and US Paranormal States series as it seems that increased concentration keeps making the headache worse again.  

It very much annoys me to have to do this but it is for the best and I am very much hoping that if I rest up and relax through the week then I shall hopefully be better by the time this blogpost is up and thus be working on the next batch of blogposts ready for the following week. So hopefully things should be back to normal from the 1st June.  

There are a few blogposts that I may still put up this week, such as a lifestyle stories post that has already been completed and I may do a few lifestyle posts that don’t require as much thinking or any research. Damned health! But it is what it is. Perhaps I have been overworking myself or something. But I do very much enjoy doing these blogposts so it is quite a bummer.  

So, fingers are crossed that my headache shall have resolved to have the usual schedule back by the 1st June.   

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