Make sure to read Part 10 here first.
Chapter 22 – Keep Custom
So, they are basically at Chachin at this point and it seems they are parting ways with Moiraine now. Cannot blame them, especially Lan who had to put up with her childish abuse. I am glad she did not get any satisfaction out of it. Is a shame, if she had just acted like a decent person they may have been willing to see her further perhaps but there you have it.
Although I reckon they shall probably cross paths again at some point.
Now they are heading to the palace here to see if Edeyn is there – should be an interesting encounter if so with the allegations hanging about in the air of her possibly trying to get Lan killed. Man I hope not though, Lan kind of needs a break right now.
Damn, this palace though is massive and sounds very grand. And another tidbit – no army has ever broken past the second ringwall of the city. Always like to note little things like that. Also, it looks like they will be sleeping well tonight! Well, just as long as they aren’t in danger I guess… they might be. But still, dying in luxary is better than dying in some shit-covered field no? Ah anyway.
So Edeyn is there. We also heard about some of the other royals here which who knows maybe they will play a bigger part or perhaps not. Don’t really know enough to say much more. Seems Edeyn wants to see him in private rather than in public but Lan is playing it smart and not doing what Edeyn wants. Now it seems he is going to meet the Prince Consort Brys instead.
Brys seems like a decent person so far. Edeyn turns up in the hall too and she pledges fealty to Lan as the King of Malkier, which obviously he does not want or agree with but now she has done it in such a public setting we’ll see how this goes. Could it just be a ruse? I feel like ultimately Lan will end up going to take back the Blight but who knows when. And we still don’t know Edeyn’s true angle in this I guess.
Yikes. So Edeyn really does seem to be controlling things at the moment, using tradition against Lan basically knowing he probably won’t refuse.
And now she is suggesting for him to marry her 17-year-old daughter? Of course he is against it but I guess tradition means he also needs to tread carefully.
Chapter 23 – The Evening Star

Getting close to the end of this book now. Must be only 2 or 3 chapters left. I wonder if there is going to be some big twist at the end. Also, this is still only the prologue – the whole book is just the prologue. Crazy. (note from future me I did not realise this book is actually a prequel and was written after the original books but I do now know that).
Ah, we’re back with Moiraine and she is still just as annoying and overconfident as ever. I hope something changes her soon cause I do not like this side of Moiraine.
Oh, so she is looking for Siuan? I thought she was looking for another mother in search of the ‘boychild’ but I guess Siuan is about. Also, Moiraine redeemed herself slightly by giving that Mistress Satarov innkeeper a taste of her own medicine.
Anyway, this place she is going about it seems like crap and also pretty annoying. And Siuan manages to find Moiraine rather than the other way around in the end, hah.
They’re still worried about the Black Ajah and also it appears they will need to get into the palace where Lan currently is… how typical.
Chapter 24 – Making Use of Invisibility

I think Moiraine should listen to what Siuan is saying. I keep saying that I think Moiraine’s overconfidence is getting the better of her and I reckon that is putting her in a lot of risky situations. Not saying she cannot handle herself most the time but she still needs to be more careful.
I am not exactly sure what they are planning but clearly it will be an attempt at getting into the palace but I think Siuan is skeptical that it will work and that it could also attract other Aes Sedai to them.
Ah okay, so Moiraine is using her royal House Damodred status as a way to get into the palace by the looks of it. And I guess Siuan is just blending in alongside her because who would notice her when there is such an eloquently dressed royal who might possibly ascend to the throne of her homeland in the future – although of course we know she herself does not want that but the people she is fooling don’t know that. It is quite a good plan I guess, let’s see how it goes… I guess Siuan’s main worry is if an Aes Sedai recognises Moiraine in the palace if there are any there.
I mean it is certainly very risky – a good but risky plan? I guess that can very quickly turn into a bad plan. Because not only do they have to worry about Aes Sedai, but also rivals from her homeland who are apparently trying to take her out so she does not take the throne – and since she is being herself here, as well as acting like a royal who may want the crown of her homeland, she certainly is going to be catching the eye of many people, not all of them good intentioned.
So they are trying to get close to the Lady Ines here currently and apparently her husband died 10 days ago and whom was a close friend of Prince Brys. I am still not entirely sure who this Lady Ines is, it is possible I’ve come across her previously but just forgotten? Trying to think of the death of the husband is anything significant or just not much.
But yeah anyway, now Moiraine is apparently going to reveal herself as an Aes Sedai in order to see Lady Ines as otherwise they cannot get to her since she is mourning – but I agree with Siuan again that this is incredibly risky and is it not already risky enough?
Ah ok, so Siuan is disguised as Moiraine’s maid and called Suki, I thought that was the case but was not entirely sure, but the scene just now of her being caught arguing with Moiraine by one of the palace servants cleared that up.
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