Make sure to read Part 8 here first!
Chapter 17 – An Arrival
We are back with Moiraine. I was not sure if we were going to get another chapter from her in this book.
Moiraine is in Kandor and seems to have disguised herself as some noble called Lady Alys. That makes sense of course as she needs to keep herself hidden from being found by people sent by Sieren from the Tower. But all in all she has not been Aes Sedai long so I don’t know for how long really she could outwit them for.
She is still searching for the boychild in the mean time. Oh! And she is in Canluum which I am pretty sure that is where Lan was.
That is also something else to come back to. How users of the One Power can easily sense others with it. I said back a few chapters ago now how difficult that must make it to keep hidden and now we are kind of starting to see that play out here for Moiraine who is trying her best to keep distance from Aes Sedai – at least those obvious. I feel if skilled Aes Sedai did not want to be seen they won’t be. I do feel like Moiraine is a bit in over her head but we shall see.
So those who teach themselves to channel the One Power are called wilders. I would not have thought the Tower would allow that at all? But apparently they do not completely prevent it at least, although they are not fond of it. Anyway, the Aes Sedai in the Inn that Moiraine is staying in who did clock her power (see it is difficult for them to hide!) believe Moiraine is a wilder herself and not an Aes Sedai and so that gives her some cover I guess.
Okay so eventually she does bump into some Aes Sedai she knows, Larelle who had taught her before, and Merean who had been the Mistress of Novices, and I think it is quite obvious they recognise Moiraine but they play along with her ruse it seems in front of the other Aes Sedai who do not know her – so that’s cool.
But then it seems to attract the attention of another Aes Sedai who brings in all the attention, and causes the other Aes Sedai to back down or scurry away. Cadsuane Melaidhrin – she is quite a legendary figure apparently and once thought dead in her retirement until she turned up again at the start of the Aiel War.
‘A long-ago King of Tarabon winkled out of his palace when it was learned he could channel, carried to Tar Valon to be gentled while an army that did not believe chased after to attempt rescue. A King of Arad Doman and a Queen of Saldaea both kidnapped, spirited away in secrecy, and when Cadsuane finally released them, a war that had seemed certain simply faded away.‘ So are these some of the things or legends associated with her? I am not sure I entirely follow. But she sounds like an interesting figure.
She certainly does not follow custom and there is quite an interesting conversation going on between Merean, Larelle, and Cadsuane about Moiraine – using her actual name. I guess the whole not lying part is tough and Cadsuane is probably too clever to be easily tricked. They eventually get on to the subject of the Tower’s issue of dwindling numbers.
This Cadsuane seems to be trying to boss them all around. She is quite concerned it seems of the Tower failing in its numbers. And she believes Moiraine will not last long by herself clearly. She keeps talking about Moiraine finding a Warder and until then is trying to get Merean and Larelle to travel with her. I don’t know… Cadsuane seems pretty full of herself. And no one likes being bossed about.
But who knows, maybe she will end up saving Moiraine from herself? Looks like Larelle and Merean will reluctantly have Moiraine travel with them anyway. But I wonder what her angle is here? There has got to be a lot more to this. Moiraine suspects she could also be searching for the boychild too, but who knows.
Chapter 18 – A Narrow Passage

Siuan has suddenly showed up out of nowhere – just as when Moiraine was hoping for her presence in her current predicament. Are they really that in tune? It is quite the coincidence.
What the heck? Aisha, Kerene, Valera, Ludice, and Meilyn are all dead?! All been made to look like either accident, natural disaster, or unfortunate circumstance, but surely it is more sinister than that. I am pretty sure most of them were quite powerful and were most if not all of them looking for the boychild as well?
And Siuan confirms at least one of the deaths – Meilyn’s – was not natural as she had snuck into her room and fell asleep under her bed – and upon waking and sneaking out there was no one in the bed – yet it was later announced Meilyn had been found dead in her bed.
Very strange! And it also brings Tamra’s death into question, could she have also been taken out? It did seem odd even at the time. Seemingly someone or some group does not want the boychild to be found? Or at least not found by Tamra or any of her searchers anyway. Moiraine suspects it could be Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah who would be very much against protecting a man who could channel, which is what Tamra’s plan had been for the boychild.
But maybe it is more than even that?
Then Moiraine mentions something the chapter had been alluding to for a little bit now. That there may be a Black Ajah who serves the Dark One. Many sisters chose to believe it does not exist although there are some who do believe in it. I wonder how such a thing could be kept so secret though? But if it does exist maybe whoever is a part of it has been doing the killings? That’s what both Moiraine and Siuan think of as a possibility although they are reluctant to want to believe that. It is also interesting since the Tower had stood for the Light all this time, the Black Ajah if it did exist would be a deep betrayal of the Tower’s purpose.
Then we get let known that Sierin has been tipped off anonymously (by Siuan) of this possibility. I think the book so far might want us to think Sierin is possibily of the Black Ajah and that she perhaps took over in some kind of coup but I feel like that would be too obvious. It is rarely that straight forward. It is possible maybe she is being unknowingly influenced by the Black Ajah, but actually a part of it? Eh. And played a part in Tamra’s death and the deaths of other sisters?
I’m doubtful. Sure Sierin seems like a bad character but I think that’s the point, the book is trying to throw us off and distract us with her. She could simply just be very strict, after all her Ajah if I am correct does take a strict interpretation of law and tradition, no?
And also related I doubt Cadsuane is of the Black Ajah either. She seems like she is going to be more of an interesting character than just another bad person. She is more of the morally grey type of character I’d say from what I can tell. Does things her own way and more of an antihero-type perhaps? We still need to learn a lot more about her first but I really do not think she is of the Black Ajah. Just seems too obvious again and also too dull for such a presence that she gave in her debut.
Ah okay so they are going to split up now to try and find the boychild faster, but perhaps meet up again from time to time. I get it since it is obviously very urgent now but I do think they are a lot stronger together. Maybe a mistake but we’ll see, maybe nothing.
Damn, Aes Sedai sure do have a lot of influence over things. Getting a noble – to double up in bed for more space.
And so Moiraine is going to make a run for it. Although I feel like Cadsuane will soon catch up with her. I am still not sure if Cadsuane knows the full truth about Moiraine?
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