Reading Wheel of Time

Let’s Read the Wheel of Time Series – New Spring – Part 6

Make sure to read Part 5 first!

Chapter 10 – It Finishes

Damn! So there has been quite a time jump now as Moiraine has completed 99 weaves somehow – by going through literal Hell. Oh what joy but I guess to Moiraine all worth it in the end?

What’s a Reader again? Not sure if they were already mentioned but apparently they can do healing?

She did it! I thought she would struggle a lot more than that but like I said before she pretty much bossed it. They tried to get personal on the last one by bringing her father into it but even that she pretty much brushed off. I know we shall find out more about her family soon – a lot of deep stuff to it by the looks of it.

But yeah… Moiraine is now Aes Sedai! Crazy. Hopefully Siuan can join her soon. Also, all the other Aes Sedai could see what happened to Moiraine all throughout the test. No surprise I guess but so much personal stuff, no? Urg I hope Elaida does not try and use anything she saw against Moiraine – but now that Moiraine is Aes Sedai she should be able to stand up to her more easily. Wait – is Moiraine Aes Sedai yet or do they need to do some kind of ceremony first? Ah whatever – at the least she is Aes Sedai in-waiting, as good as.

Damn so now she is going to become an Aes Sedai the Accepted she is friends with can no longer be friends due to that gap. Bullcrap I say, I’d still be me. But, eh, there you have it. Once they are all Aes Sedai they can act normally around each other again. And thankfully Siuan is already being tested… I mean not thankfully in the sense of the test itself since it is awful but in the social sense that Moiraine and Siuan can act normal with each other – welll… assuming she passess. PLEASE.

Wow, she gets a nice big meal at least.

Wait – ‘If Siuan failed, and survived failing — Light, let her live, at least.’ YOU CAN DIE IN THE TEST? Whhhhaaattt. I guess I should not be super surprised but damn. Harsh. I think she has it though. Surely if Moiraine can do it then so can Siuan. And she did! Heck yeah.

Ah, I just recalled they cannot or at least are not supposed to share their experiences with each other. Damn. I mean I feel like it is such a personal thing it should be their own choice who they decide to share it with… eh whatever. That’s silly cause she would be allowed to talk about it to… Elaida… cause she was there to test her for some silly reason… but not Siuan cause she was not present. ppfffttt… BULL.

Wait, they are going to get back at Elaida by putting mice in her bed? I mean I am all for not liking her but maybe that is not such a good idea… I mean sure go back at her if she keeps going for them but this seems like they may start something off they regret. Well, if at least it leads to Siuan kicking Elaida’s butt in the end I am all for it.

Chapter 11 – Just Before Dawn

Getting no sleep is awful but she had no choice because she had a night of contemplation. I don’t get it but whatever. Now she will be very tired for what is to be a big day for her becoming Aes Sedai.

Urg Elaida is one of the sisters who come to collect Moiraine. Come on man, really.

I like that Moiraine and Siuan are doing the ceremony/ritual together even if it does break some kind of little expectedness… not necessarily any rule. I mean the timeframe they were tested in kind of makes it seem like this was destined anyway? Meant to be.

So the ritual is ongoing and it is very specifically choreographed with interesting little intricacies and meanings which I do not have the ability to lay out here. They are taking the Three Oaths now – no lying – no making weapons others can use to kill – and no using the One Power as a weapon unless against Shadowspawn, in the last extreme of defending their life, or defending their Warder or another sister.

For some reason I thought there were more rules to follow than that but this is actually very straight forward. Tamra just called them Aes Sedai even though the ritual for both Moiraine and Siuan is only half done – so are they actually. I mean they are choosing their Ajah now so maybe the first half makes them Aes Sedai and the second half is them choosing their Ajah?

I don’t know why but the part where it said Siuan and Moiraine were smilling made me slightly emotional haha… I actually feel very, very happy they both managed to make it to become an Aes Sedai. It clearly means so much to both of them! I like seeing people happy!

And they have both chosen the Blue Ajah! I thought they may choose different ones but I guess they really are two very bonded people. Also – ”Aeldra also kissed their cheeks and spoke words, then surprisingly added, ‘You each owe me a pie, made with your own hands. It’s customary among us for the sixth sister who gives you the welcome kiss.'” Haha! I don’t know why that was funny, probably because it was unexpected but fair enough. Pie sounds good to me.

It feels like the whole atmosphere has changed now they are Aes Sedai. Speaking with the other Aes Sedai feels as it now did between Accepted when they were Accepted – funny that, it is quite an odd dynamic, almost like they have two halves – one half they act around their own, another they act around those not yet their own – as in those not Aes Sedai. So strange! Even where they said they had been friends with Leane when she was Accepted but then she became Aes Sedai so that friendship ended – but now it may be coming back again now they are also Aes Sedai. Strange! Very odd to me that is. And now Moiraine and Siuan’s friendship with those who are still Accepted would end – for now at least. How lucky both Moiraine and Siuan got to become Aes Sedai together so they did not have to endure any ending to their very strong friendship – that would have been quite tragic.

How good for them! Very happy for them. Such a friendly atmosphere now. I just cannot get over how different it all is now for them. No more fearing the Aes Sedai as an Accepted. They will themselves now be feared and admired by Novices and Accepted. And all these customs and secrets of the Blue Ajah too! Much to still learn indeed and I would also be just as afraid as Moiraine is about accidentally breaking some of the customs by accident. Ooof.

Chapter 12 – Entering Home

It is still insane to me how much the mood and environment has changed since they became Aes Sedai. It no longer feels so strict and serious. Like a great weight has been lifted. But yes, they are being introduced to their new quarters and area that is for sisters of the Blue Ajah.

Things seem tame so far. Perhaps some ‘office’ politics is being sprinkled in but nothing I am really following along with. Bit confused about the First Selector. Lots to learn! Their rooms sound a lot better than the ones they had as Accepted.

Ah yes – just realised. There is probably some Game of Houses going on here as the book has just reminded me. Oh boy. Welp. I am just going to have to rely on Moiraine and Siuan to tell me things here because as I have explained earlier – no way I am picking up on much from such indirect social puzzles.

Apparently they have got to get some information out of Eadyth in some way. Ahhhh! I’d be so frustrated – in fact I already am.

Okay so they finally get Eadyth to tell them what I believe they needed to know. It’s another social hierarchy thing which already has me anxious. Basically you have to defer to a sister if their One Power is greater than yours or something yet it is apparently forbidden to compare your One Power to others so I don’t know I’ve probably not taken that in correctly. But apparently the punishment for getting this social deference wrong can be severe. Welp, I’d be cooked. But now the ‘office’ politics thing I mentioned earlier makes sense, I mean it is not ‘office politics’ that is just what I called it being clueluess and all but it was what Moiraine was picking up that I was attempting to label and that is all I could think to call it.

Okay I re-read what she said again and it is not actually forbidden to compare One Power or get your standing among others by it – just that it was strongly discouraged but now it is very necessary. Ahhh! I’d die. Honestly I am not always good at taking things in. Especially stuff like this. This is going to be tough. But it looks like Moiraine’s time at the Sun Palace before she came to the Tower gives her some experience with stuff like this so maybe she can get the hang of it. I mean I think she is already pretty good at picking up on this stuff.

Anyway they soon meet another sister – one of their Ajah – they had not seen yet called Cetalia and she is presenting as a possible problem. For one she did not defer to Moiraine who is apparently slightly above her power and second since Siuan is slightly below Cetalia she is making her… solve puzzles? Sounds like Siuan is pretty good at solving puzzles but… eh… this looks like we may have an issue character perhaps.

Oh wow! The POV has suddenly changed to Siuan. Was a bit confused at first as I was not expecting that. And yep as I thought Cetalia is going to be a problem. By the sounds of it Moiraine and Siuan had wanted to leave the Tower as soon as they became Aes Sedai but now it looks at least like Siuan is stuck here for now. What a grand annoyance. Also gives me a lot of anxiety.

Damn, looks like Moiraine is going to be stuck there for a while to – well kind of – while she distributes the bounty, a job given to her by Tamra. At least Moiraine and Siuan will still kind-of be together for a bit longer. Although surely they find a way around getting split up in the future.

Ah, so the Blue Ajah have a network of eyes-and-ears and Cetalia is heading that not that Siuan should have told Moiraine that information but she did anyway accidentally. Kind of like a spy agency then although not quite.

Oh yes! Moiraine still thinks that Tamra or the Sitters even – or both – mean to put Moiraine on the throne of Cairhien which Moiraine clearly does not want. Or perhaps she would be more willing under more stable circumstances. Listening to the history it sounds like Cairhien has had some ruthless rulers – for one her great-grandmother ruled for over five decades and was a stable period although it sounds like it was that out of fear of Carewin (her name) who sounds like she was the kindof ruler to get rid of problems by any means necessary. The Stalin of Cairhein?

Oh! Another POV switch. Now we are finally back with Lan. Was not expecting that!

So I am not sure how far forward we’ve jumped here with Lan but I am guessing a fair amount? They seemed to have followed Aiel to some mountains that lead into the Spine of the World. Apparently Pedron Niall, Lord Captain Commander (can you fit anymore titles on there buddy?) of the Children of the Light, has the command today. I am pretty sure they are those Whitecloaks that hate the Aes Sedai for using the One Power. Shall be interesting to see what this guy is like. Niall apparently knows quite a lot about war, so apparently he is quite experienced in the eyes of Lan at least.

So by the sounds of it many think the war is won as the Aiel have retreated off I assume back from where they came from. But I wonder why they suddenly chose to retreat. It seems a little too easy, no? Obviously there is more here than meets the eye and by the sounds of it Lan believes that too, although he also is looking forward to going back to his home which is… in the Blight?! Isn’t that where the Trollocs are? If they still exist that is. Bukama also sounds weary himself. And Lan continues to make sure he avoids Aes Sedai although I feel like eventually he will come across one.

Looking forward to seeing more from Lan! Very interesting stuff happening beyond the Tower.

But yes, that was quite the chapter. I was not expecting those sudden POV switches and certainly not expecting to see Lan again in this chapter. Very cool.

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