
Man Isolating in a Ghost Town Now More Open Minded on the Paranormal

Not a place called Ghost Town but an actual ghost town, as in a town that is abandoned and void of anybody, or at least anybody who is of the living. During this time of coronavirus many people are isolated up at home under now normal conditions, but for one-man circumstances dictated that he be isolating in a ghost town.

Featured Photo: by LCGS Russ from Wikimedia. CC BY 3.0. Source.

Isolating alone in of itself can’t be fun (at least for most), let alone isolating in a place completely devoid of life… but he may not be entirely alone, at least from the dead. The ghost town is called Cerro Gordo and is in the US state of California and had been purchased by Brent Underwood, the man who became stuck there, typically he would have a caretaker looking after it, but his caretaker went to check on family in Arizona due to the coronavirus outbreak and so the owner came to take the reins for what he thought would only be a week, only for his stay to be prolonged due to coronavirus lockdown preventing his caretaker from returning and then on top of that Underwood became snowed in after four consecutive days of snow, with no current way to leave safely. He has now been there for well over a month.

The town has been basically uninhabited for the past 100 years, after mining operations ceased in the early 1900s, which was entirely what the town relied on for its economy, it’s a typical trait of many ghost towns, with most of them being former mining towns that were unable to move on to a new economic track.

Brent Underwood has been melting snow to keep hydrated and has also said he is hungry but has enough rations to last out the snow where he will be able to travel out to the nearest food store.

But this ghost town is also said to be haunted, with it even being featured on Ghost Adventures as well. Underwood said he was previously a sceptic but that his time spent in the ghost town so far has led him to believe in the rumours of hauntings of the town. He said that he has experienced some unexplained noises and also a book falling off a shelve for no apparent reason.

It appears though that the spirits may well be friendly ones, luckily for Underwood, as he says he has never felt under threat by them, at least so far and he continues to hope they can coexist together for the time being. But he says he is certainly now a lot more open-minded.

Underwood has said while he has been stuck there he has been trying to make the most of his time, such as by taking in the history of the old town and making each day into a bit of an adventure. Underwood has even said he may want to stay there even after the snow has cleared, due to what is currently happening elsewhere in the world, and he isn’t wrong, being in one of the safest places from the coronavirus.

Underwood was originally planning to have Airbnb visitors come in May, which has now been moved until at least the end of summer for obvious reasons, so for all the history and paranormal enthusiasts out there, it is another possible place to consider checking out in the future, once the world begins opening up again.

I’m not sure if Underwood is currently still there now, the snow could have cleared up by now, or maybe as he said he did decide to stay in the end. Let’s just hope he is ok and hasn’t been slain by a ghost or succumb to the elements.

I don’t think I’d be able to personally have the stomach to put up with a situation like this, as this man has done. I would certainly be freaking out, most likely, and for more reasons than one.

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