Autism Lifestyle

My Independence Journey Has Begun

For anyone with high-functioning Autism, I believe independence is something we can all achieve. This includes our own job that makes us a living, our own relationships and friends and also includes eventually getting our very own place and perhaps one day our own family.  

But it is a long road. For me it really has begun, alongside my brother who was also recently diagnosed with Autism in his later teens, one of many who missed diagnosis at a younger age. Luckily for me I was diagnosed at the age of 5 and so through much of my life we have been able to pre-empt things. But there are many out there with high-functioning Autism who are struggling without a diagnosis and perhaps don’t even know it.  

The beginning of our independence journey involves starting a program which will have us go to a center a few days of the week to complete activities that will teach us about independent living. There are many things I hope to get out of it which leads me on to a bright future, such as learning about the activities of independent living, working towards learning to drive and towards perhaps getting a volunteer job and the start of a CV. As well as that the whole program is a chance to also make like-minded friends.  

So it is going to be an exciting road that I begin on this year, alongside the new program for this blog I am also beginning a new program for my life and I cannot wait to detail some of it within this blog and how it may develop my posts on Autism here as well as a way of helping others.  

If you are someone with high-functioning Autism I believe it is important to take the steps to have help for building yourself a life, not doing so can lead to sadness and depression and unfavorable resulting conditions later on. It is my firm belief that anyone with high-functioning Autism has the ability to control their own life and live their own independent direction, just as long as they have the support needed to eventually get there.  

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