
The Labour Candidates – Keir Starmer

Keir Starmer is one of the top three candidates in the running for the Labour Leadership election and is also seen as one of the more centrist voices within Labour, he even protested against Jeremy Corbyn on June 2016 by resigning from Shadow Minister of State for Immigration. Despite this he was still later re-appointed […]


The Labour Candidates – Emily Thornberry

NOTE: Emily Thornberry is no longer in the race as she failed to reached the required number of CLP/Labour affiliate/trade union nominations required before the Feb 14th deadline for the April ballot. But she is still one to watch for in future leadership elections in the Labour Party as to why I am still posting […]


Labour Leadership CLP Nominations

Over 500 local Labour constituency parties have now nominated one of the standing candidates for the Labour Leadership Election according to the CLP Nominations twitter account and Emily Thornberry is still struggling to reach the required amount of 33. By far Keir Starmer is top with almost 300 CLP nominations followed by Rebecca Long-Bailey on […]


Jess Phillips Out

Jess Phillips has dropped out of the Labour Leadership Race, declaring she is not the one to unite the party at this current time. Starting off as an underdog, Phillips got an unexpected boost of support from MPs and MEPs in the first requirement round to qualify for the full election. But it appears she […]


Labour Leadership Election Observations – Circa 13th Janauary

The deadline for MP/MEP nominations are today at 2:30pm and we will be seeing whether Emily Thornberry and Clive Lewis can reach the required 22 backers they need to qualify for the first part of the leadership election. So far Emily Thornberry sits on 10 backers while Clive Lewis only has four, but is the […]


Labour Party Manifesto Roundup

Labour released their manifesto on 21st November, the party being one of the three major national contenders in the 2019 General Election and in this post I will be highlighting some of their major pledges and promises in the manifesto, so there will be other things that can be found in their manifesto that I will not […]