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I Did the Drama Exam Story + Some Blog News

And I hated it. But I still had to do it anyway and I thought I might as well just try and get the grade anyway and perhaps experience something I haven’t done before. I guess it wasn’t too bad but at the same time it certainly wasn’t good and thinking back I’d probably try […]


First Family Dog – Story

Crazily our first family dog is still alive (touch wood), I’m not exactly sure how old he is, but for a dog he is for sure pretty ancient now and our second family dog is no longer with us, so I have a small hunch he might have mastered the ability to suck the life […]


Life Stories #1, Fire bell, Weirdness and Fish walk

So, I thought I’d talk about a few life stories that could be considered interesting… or not. It’s just something I’m giving a go to live’ up my lifestyle blogposts, which I definitely think have still been better than they originally were, but this is still a new avenue to check out and besides it […]