
Halloween Week Day 7/7 – Fearsome Critters – The Cactus Cat; Happy Halloween!

The Cactus Cat appears to be one of the more sophisticated Fearsome Critters. Described as looking like a wild-cat sort of creature, with sharp spikes all across its body to defend itself from attack and of which it could also use to attack, as well as that it was often described with a long-armored and […]


Halloween Week Day 6/7 – Fearsome Critters – The Axehandle Hound

The Axehandle Hound is a mischievous Fearsome Critter. A dog-like creature that is often described as having an axe-shaped head and also sometimes an axe handle shaped body. This pesky creature would sneak into Lumberjack logging camps and working areas to do one simple thing – consume their axe handles! Which gives a clear indication […]


Halloween Week Day 5/7 – Fearsome Critters – The Hugag

The hugag is a large herbivore, in many cases as large as a Moose and even sometimes much larger than that! It is a part of the many stories of Fearsome Critters. The creature though has an unfortunate predicament that it must contend with, often making it very prone to life or death situations. This […]


Halloween Week Day 4/7 – Fearsome Critters – The Hidebehind

The Hidebehind is one of the scarier and more sinister Fearsome Critters which specifically preyed on humans who entered deep into the wilderness and was often blamed by Lumberjacks for disappearances of their companions when they didn’t return. The Hidebehind has no description as it has never actually been seen as it is impossible to […]


Halloween Week Day 3/7 – Fearsome Critters – The Gumberoo

The Gumberoo is certainly a beast you do not want to cross deep in the wilderness. This large bear-shaped fearsome critter lurks around the woods and forests with an insatiable appetite. The solitary beast is said to be completely hairless apart from having some nice stylish bushy eyebrows as well as hair dangling from its […]


Halloween Week Day 2/7 – Fearsome Critters – The Goofus Bird

The Goofus is a type of bird that has the ability to defy the established laws of physics by being able to fly backwards and not only that but also being able to build its nest upside down. It isn’t exactly established why the Goofus Bird is able to do these seemingly impossible feats. But […]


Halloween Week Day 1/7 – Fearsome Critters – The Agropelter

I was a bit later posting this than I expected as I got sidetracked making some Pumpkin Pie and then some Dark Chocolate Dough Balls with the left over pie dough. But then this sets the mood, Halloween! Fall! Autumn! Our first stop this week in the run up to spooks day is the mischievous […]


Get Ready for Fearsome Critters – Halloween Week

Ok, so I know literally no one reads this at the moment. But whatever, this is for the future people who come to this blog. One of my favourite days of the year is right around the corner – Halloween! The spookiest day of the year. And the week leading up to Halloween, starting from Friday the 25th October, I […]