
The Labour Candidates – Rebecca Long-Bailey

Rebecca Long-Bailey is one of the top three candidates in the leadership election to replace Jeremy Corbyn. On the subject of Jeremy Corbyn, she has been branded as the Corbyn continuity candidate due to her strong support for the outgoing leader and his policies. She was also one of 36 Labour MPs to nominate Corbyn […]


Labour Leadership Election Constituency Nominations

I have been getting a little caught up in the start of the Democratic Primary/Caucus season and feel like I have neglected the Labour Leadership Election just a little bit. Note though that the contenders profiles are done and ready to go, I will start releasing them closer to the main ballot (closer to April) […]


Labour Leadership Supporters

During a brief window from 14th – 16th January, people were able to sign up as registered supporters by paying a fee of £25, while this does not make them a full Labour member it does allow them to vote in the Labour leadership and Labour Deputy Leadership elections. The Labour Party announced that it […]


All Standing Leadership Candidates In

With MP/MEP nominations now closed, all current standing candidates in the main leadership election have qualified for the first requirement of 22 MEP/MP backers with Emily Thornberry managing to cross the line just 9 minutes left to go. The candidates are Keir Starmer, Rebecca Long-Bailey, Lisa Nandy, Jess Phillips and Emily Thornberry. I will be […]


The Labour Leadership Election 2020

It has been announced that we will know by 4th April who the new leader of the UK’s Labour Party will be after Jeremy Corbyn’s stunning election defeat. So far six candidates have stood in the bid to become Labour’s new top dog and are hoping they will be the ones to fix Labour and […]


Labour Leadership Election Observations – Circa January 9th

We are starting to see things ramping up now in the Labour Leadership election. So far Keir Starmer has become the first candidate to reach the first qualification threshold by receiving far beyond the required 22 MP/MEP backers, analysis of the backers show that many of them are MPs who did not support Corbyn in […]