
The Time I Accidentally Wounded my Brother’s Head and the Mice Infestation – Life Stories #2

Some times when you are playing around as a kid you can be clumsy and end up having some fairly nasty injuries and this is something that happened one time during my childhood when me and my younger brother were play-fighting/wrestling on the sofa.  

At some point my brother ended up falling back after I pushed him during the play-fighting and he whacked the back of his head on the corner of a small wooden coffee table that my mum had bought years and years back (which we still have, up in the attic) and blood begun spilling out.  

All I remember is running to tell my sister as she was baby-sitting us at the time and some of her friends were also there at the time, I think my mum was working at a pub or out somewhere, one of the two. Anyway, I can’t exactly remember what happened after that just that my mum quickly rushed back home and took my brother to the A&E department.  

I remember thinking my brother might end up dying (since obviously I was a kid and didn’t realize it was simply just a small head wound that could easily be dealt with), but still I was fairly scared as I didn’t know that. Anyway, he was fine and there were no lasting effects and I don’t even think it needed to be stitched.  

Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay

Another event in my childhood was when we were infested with mice back in one of my older houses, it was probably the best house we lived at, as it was spacious, had a driveway, a big garden with a pond and all, but one day completely out of the blue… it begun.  

It started when I was in the bathroom answering natures call and suddenly out of the corner of my eye I see this little thing move out from behind a small bin, at first it was so unexpected it seemed almost animated in my mind as if it was unreal, until I realized that, nope, it was real and a mouse had just emerged right within the room.  

For some reason I ran out the bathroom in fear and yelled for my mum and told her what I saw, and she told me to be quiet as she didn’t want my sister to hear about it as she was scared of rodents. I was also scared. After that though the infestation continued and we began to realize there were far more than just one mouse in the house, there were quite a gaggle of them about. My mum would tell me that they would be jumping about across the tops of her wardrobes during the night when she was trying to sleep.  

At one point we thought we caught one in a bag but upon looking it had somehow managed to get out again without us noticing. We put a number of mouse traps around the house in an attempt to dispatch of some of them, all the traps had something sweet on them – not cheese as typically portrayed in cartoons as mice won’t actually go for cheese, they like sweet stuff. None of the traps worked though as the mice were too light apparently, they would take the food but the trap would not go off.  

On one particular night that I remember quite vividly I was trying to sleep but could not and me and my brother were probably messing around when we should have been sleeping, but then all of a sudden we see a mouse emerge from behind one of our large shelves and we begin freaking out and then we went downstairs to sit with our sister (who was baby-sitting us) until our mum quickly returned (either from work or a night out) and she flushed the mouse out of the room.  

The problem of the mice infestation wasn’t solved until one day we found a leak in the bathroom which was believed to be attracting the mice as it gave them a source of water to survive, once that was fixed the mice vanished as quickly as they had appeared and we never saw any in the house again.  

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