Another week goes and another week is basically over. Time can go really quick sometimes, especially when things are working out and we have stuff keeping us busy. And boy have I indeed.
The Final Project Begins

Well we’re on the last legs of the course now but there are exciting times ahead. The final project has begun where we are building an application and associated features and service portal. I’ll talk more about it once all is said and done but we are making fantastic progress.
Actually we are basically done with all the main elements so pretty much anything else is sprinkles on top. Luckily teamwork is working out this time and I am very happy about that as this is my first truly positive experience of teamwork which is very good for my own progression and perspective.
Sure, I still ultimately desire to work alone but this is making me realise that working in a team is not all that bad and it is helping to also improve my social skills – and I imagine the more my social skills improve, the more working a part of a team becomes appealing or at least easier and more desirable.
I mean I do get it. Teamwork is far more efficient when you’re building something like an application as each member of the team can work on certain areas and sections to ultimately complete the whole system in a much more efficient timeframe. And we get to use each others different strengths and fill in areas on others they are not as strong on – and ultimately make all of us stronger as an end result.
So although I have been slightly dreading the final project this first week as gone very well and I suspect the final week – next week – will also go well. Next we shall be looking forward to the presentation of our project – where I shall once again need to overcome my Selective Mutism!
Although it has been going well I know I have still been getting socially exhausted by the end of the day – a typical thing associated with many of us autistic folks and those who also have social anxieties. I have found I have become a lot more sleepy as a result in the evenings.
But I hope as I overcome my social anxieties I can adjust to it and not become as exhausted after each day. It is very telling when I am laying in bed reading my usual book and falling asleep within less than a page of reading – very unusual!
This has had an affect on my blog this week as I just have not had the energy to work on my US midterm blogposts in the evenings. But again, I hope to overcome this as time goes on and I get more used to increased social activity – especially when I get a job – the main goal.
Applying for a Job

The next big step after all is said and done is to get a job. Actually, I already applied for my first ever job earlier this week – not saying who obviously as I only really want to announce anything if I manage to get the job. Even if I don’t there will be tons of other companies out there looking for someone like me fresh out of the programme.
My first ever real job interview will be some time in mid-August and if I do get the job I’d start some time in mid-September. Failing that I’ll apply myself to the upcoming job application waves that will follow the course’s conclusion.
It is also scary in that once it is confirmed I have obtained a job I will need to sort out my benefits – seeing what I will lose and what will change! So that is quite scary to me as some of my fallback safety net will be going, but I have realised the only way to get out of the benefit trap is to expose yourself at least partially for a time.
I mean, I can simply re-apply for benefits if worst comes to worst – but many of us know what an annoying process that can be, and how exposed you are during that time.
But when everything does work out – and I say when because it WILL – I can finally feel so much more financially free and on my way to a true career in the tech sector.
And I will be pursuing every opportunity to continue learning more and more within my area – and on scripting – forever. Learning is lifelong!
Have a good weekend all. I shall now be having a relaxing bath and settling down for the evening.
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