
What do I Think of the Paranormal and other Oddities?

So, from this blog one can clearly tell I am quite interested in the paranormal as well as other strange oddities such as cryptids. I don’t exactly know why I am interested in it, I guess it is just exciting to think that there could be something more beyond what we already know. For example, it is very interesting to think that someone has existence after death through their left-over energy.  

The paranormal and unexplained is something very different away from the typical things in life that one comes to expect, it’s like a new thing to explore and discover if that’s your thing, you could even think of it as a new frontier. You just have to think sometimes that something surely has to be out there somewhere for all of these oddities to be reported. I certainly think that at the very least there is some sort of residual energy that gets left over and it just repeats itself via things that one used to do quite often, a common routine, or even a powerful memory such as something happy or very sad.  

I also do believe that there is something that isn’t just residual either, but that former loved ones who have passed on have a way of presenting signs during tough times or if there are tough times to come. I know a couple of people who have had such experiences, my mum being one of them. I haven’t personally myself, but there have been plenty enough people who have and in such a way where it cannot just so easily be brushed off as a coincidence or desperate trick of the mind.  

I am also a very cautious person and although I may not fully believe in everything to do with the paranormal, I certainly don’t mess around with it, for example there is no way I am ever going to mess with the occult or sacred things to do with ancient peoples such as Native Americans, as I have a feeling there is at least something that can happen there if one is not careful, it’s best just to be respectful and safe. I do believe there is a lot in this realm we do not yet understand but I would not so easily pin it to any current explanation we have. I am fairly confident one day we may eventually figure it out, but when is probably a long time away due to the taboo around it, such as the environment of ridicule on it and such stuff being viewed as unprofessional nonsense, which I think is a very narrow-minded view. Many people can be too quick to judge without actually looking into it themselves.  

It’s a similar deal with cryptids and I do think there is potentially something with all that, just perhaps not what we would quite expect it to be, I think a lot of it could actually be connected with residual energies again, perhaps past things we haven’t yet discovered, you have to think that we actually don’t know much about the wildlife from 1000s of years ago, all the extinct animals we have not yet even scratched the surface of or even discovered, we’ve only found a limited amount of fossils so far and it is merely a glimmer to what was likely out there. There are probably so many things we won’t even at all discover because perhaps none of them managed to be preserved into such a state where we’d be able to study it, ever.  

You have to also potentially think if there ever was any spiritual connection or old powers that much older humans may have once tapped into but have since long, long lost. As said, I certainly think there is something special about ancient peoples and their connection to the environment and energies, it is quite uncanny at times. It’s just interesting to have an open mind on all this stuff just in case, life isn’t simple and I don’t know why it ever would be seen as simple. To be quite honest we don’t really even know why we actually exist at all, so given that all this is even possible, should that not leave the window open to many other things easily being possible?  

There is just simply so much we don’t understand and most people don’t seem to realize that or give any kind of thought to it and so many people’s minds can be so very narrow and judgmental on things that don’t quite align with what is comfortably considered normal. I guess many people are just happy to believe the world and existence really is just simple, it’s easier that way. But that’s not me and I want to keep digging and learning, into a whole variety of things and that’s why I choose to have an open mind on so many things such as this.

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