I split this into two parts as it ended up being too big.
Youtube has been a big part of my life for ever since I have been using the internet/world wide web as a place to sit back and just watch some videos to entertain myself and pass the time when I don’t really have anything else to be doing. In the mornings I will watch a few Youtube videos while I am eating breakfast and before I start typing up blogposts and at lunch time I will put on some Youtube videos and then after I have done blogging and just throughout the weekend on and off.
Youtube is a place of never ending content and there are tons and tons of channels to suit pretty much anyone’s interests and entertainment from comedy, skits, drama, gaming, walkthrough, tutorials, hobbies, top 5/10/+ lists, of various topics, animated skits/cartoons, paranormal videos so on and so forth, you can pretty much find nearly anything, including some messed up stuff as well, although Youtube has been clamping down on such more extreme videos as of late (such as which contains graphic content, ie injuries and deaths) although they can still be found, but certainly not recommended.
But yeah, as can be seen it is one of the greatest places to waste a bunch of free time that you don’t know what else to do with and so I thought I’d go over some of the things I often watch on there.

Back when I first started watching Youtube it was basically just funny videos or fail compilations which used to be a lot more common than they are now, such as funny animal videos, people messing up in a funny way, funny non-serious little accidents… you know what I mean, funny cat videos. Eventually though I moved on to things such as paranormal videos, such as “ghosts caught on camera” and poltergeist stuff, and bear in mind that this was at quite a young age, some of it did scare me quite a bit, but also got me a lot more into that stuff.

Naturally upon getting into the stranger side of Youtube you ultimately start coming across conspiracy theory videos which there are tons of on Youtube (although with the advancement of Youtube’s algorithms now, not so easily recommended anymore) but still easily searched up. Many of them kind of fascinated me when I was younger, it was mostly conspiracy videos on things like 9/11, the CIA, the Middle East wars, the Illuminati and other secretive groups or certain people and leaders… the anti-christ… the new world order and so on so forth. I watched a whole lot of that stuff back then, because I found it quite interesting, but I never fully believed it, I had an open mind, but never went full on conspiracy theorist myself like some people do… luckily for me, I guess.
But as said it certainly enabled me to have a much more open mind on things. Eventually though I started getting into more specific channels, as in creating a Youtube account and subscribing to content creators I found interesting rather than just watching a variety of videos from numerous channels. I started getting into watching gaming let’s plays and walkthroughs, GTA San Andreas mod videos, GTA San Andreas Online videos… and also GTA San Andreas mysteries as part of my paranormal interests, even seeping into games.

It was mostly small channels I watched back then, most of which I don’t remember anymore, I didn’t really start getting into the more popular channels until a much later period, things like Pewdiepie, Markiplier and all that… Jacksepticeye. Even now I am subscribed to them I still only watch them now and again when I see a video that interests me, such as one of Markiplier’s skits or a game that interests me, or one of Pewdiepie’s meme reviews or Jacksepticeye playing a game that I enjoy watching being played by others, I like watching him play Totally Accurate Battle Simulator as an example. But I do not religiously watch these channels each and every video.
Next part will be up on the coming Thursaday.
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