
What Tropical Fish did I Used to Have?

Since last time I talked about the time we had a pond I thought this time I’d talk about the tropical fish we used to have back when we had a fish tank. I remember that we first got a fish tank for tropical fish at least 10 or more years ago and we kept it for a long time, all the way to the house we are currently at until my mum decided to give the tank and fish away to a friend.  

So it was a big part of my childhood when we had fish, including just watching them swim around or eat and just the beautiful colours and atmosphere they brought to the fish tank, which itself was a very nice fish tank, it had a curved screen rather than just being a box and also had a cupboard underneath it to put the fish’s stuff in such as food. The fish also ended up having lots of babies. I also remember all the times we went to pet stores to look at the tropical fish and buy some, it was always very enjoyable going to these places as they had dozens upon dozens of small fish tanks holding loads of different kinds of fish.  

Some we went to also had indoor ponds with loads of pond fish as well, and some also had lizards and even rabbits and guinea pigs as well, one such place that had fish, rabbits and guinea pigs as well as mice and more were Pets at Home stores. I am a big animal lover and that not only includes dogs and cats but pretty much any small animals and fish as well, so it really is amazing seeing all of them about a shop, obviously you can’t see dogs and cats about a shop but there are other places you can go to see them such as farms and dog kennels.  

There was also this one small pet and fish store that had a giant tortoise that was allowed to have free roam around the shop whenever it wanted, it wasn’t for sale as it was the pet of the owners of the shop itself and so that was really cool.  

So yeah, I am going to try and remember all the tropical fish we had in our fish tank, I likely won’t be able to fully remember all of them but I will try my best and I may also bring some up that I think I may have had but not being quite sure about it, as it has been many year’s now since the fish tank has been gone. I do hope one day to get a small fish tank for my room so I can have some tropical fish again.  

Neon Tetra
Photo by H. Krisp from Wikimedia. CC BY 3.0. Source.

The first tropical fish that springs to mind that we definitely had were the neon tetra tropical fish, they were small and had bright blue, red and grey patches on their skin. These were some of my favourite as well as my mum’s favourite as well due to their bright colours and how the little small fish would dart about the tank. The Neon’s did have some babies and it was very strange looking at the tiny ball of colour.  

Other Tetra’s
Photo by Debivort from English language Wikipedia. CC BY-SA 3.0. Source.

Talking about Tetra’s we definitely also had other varieties as well, I am sure I distinctly remember having black neon tetra’s, X-ray pristella tetra’s or Ornate tetra’s and also rummynose tetra’s as well, I remember the certain dark colours they had on their fins and/or tails. That is about all I can remember for the tetra’s though; it is possible we also had other varieties but I cannot fully recognise any further.

Photo by Gerardeen92 from Wikimedia. CC BY-SA 4.0. Source.

We also had mollies, I am pretty sure the one’s we had were orange but I am not exactly sure of the types of mollies we had, they were a bit bigger than the neon tetra’s and they also had lots and lots of babies, in-fact I think they are the fish we had that gave birth to the most baby fish in the tank. It is crazy how teeny tiny the baby fish are. 

Photo by Per Harald Olsen from Wikimedia. CC BY 3.0. Source.

I am certain we also had many types of guppies as well, again I cannot remember specific varieties but I certainly remember the shapes of their tails and their specific overall shape. They also had babies as well but not as many as the mollies.

Photo by Specious from Wikimedia. CC BY-SA 4.0. Source.

These are the fish we’d call “sucky fish” as they would scoot around on the surfaces, including clinging on to the sides of the tank but they did not really swim around in the water like the other fish, they only really clung to things and hid under the decorations in the tank and they would also dig in the gravel at the bottom of the tank and hide under it. Some of these were even able to squeeze into the tank’s filter and hide in there. And yes, they also had little babies.

Silver Sharks
Photo by H. Zell from Wikimedia. CC BY-SA 3.0. Source.

These were probably the largest tropical fish we had and they were another of my favourites due to their size and shape, they just look really cool for some reason, they would often hang about in the center of the fish tank. I don’t recall them ever having babies though.

Photo in Public Domain.

I am also sure we may have had some Platy unless I am mis-remembering but they do seem very familiar when I looked them up and they ring some kind of bell in my mind but then again it could just be due to them looking kind of similar to mollies/guppies.

That’s about all I can remember of the fish we had and may have had, there is certainly another we had that I just am unable to locate on the internet, we only ever called them bumblebee fish, due to them having orange and black on them, they were of similar size to tetra’s, maybe they were possibly also a type of tetra but I don’t think they were. It is possible they were Bumblebee Goby’s but I am just not as sure as I am with the above fish.

Having a large tank with loads of colourful tropical fish of various sizes was very fun and also exciting, especially when they had babies and I hope one day to have a tank with tropical fish once again, but this time of my own.

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