Australia is a large island country located in the Indian Ocean, Australia itself is also a continent called Oceania or sometimes also called Australasia, certain surrounding island countries such as New Zealand are also considered to be a part of this unusual continent. Countries that surround or are near to Australia include Indonesia, Papua New […]
Welcome back to another edition of the paranormal alphabet where we have reached F, of which I have chosen the Fetch. The Fetch is a type of spirit from Irish folklore and you are likely to know when you have seen one as it will look exactly like you, it is your exact doppelganger. Although […]
Everyday people throughout the world suffer silently with mental health problems, with one of the biggest ones being depression. No one should suffer in silence and it is always important to be on the lookout and help those who are scared of helping themselves, perhaps because they don’t want to bother anyone with their problem […]
The Government of – Armenia
Armenia is a small country located in the mountainous Caucasus region in Asia, close to Europe. It was once part of the Soviet Union until it voted to become independent in 1991 after the Unions fall. It is known for having some of the earliest Christian civilizations and so is defined by its many old […]
The Each-uisge (meaning water horse in Scottish Gaelic) is an evil and vicious water spirit from Scottish folklore with it being very similar to the kelpie myth, another type of water spirit from Scottish folklore but a lot less aggressive than the Each-uisge, another difference is that the kelpie is always either a horse-looking creature or […]
Even thinking about it makes me instantly relaxed and my stress and worries melt away. A big problem in my life is just being completely and entirely over-whelmed by the abundance of choices and options we have access to now-a-days – some people call that virtuous or a good thing, but for someone like me […]
The Government of – Argentina
Argentina is a large country that takes up most of the Southern half of South America, sharing a long border with Chile. Argentina also borders Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil and Uruguay, it also has a long coastline with the Southern Atlantic Ocean. Its capital city is Buenos Aires, a coastal city near to Uruguay’s border, iconic […]
The Paranormal Alphabet – D – Dragons
When many people think of the Paranormal their mind would often go to ghostly phenomena, demons and unnatural, extraordinary abilities. I myself like to blanket everything unexplained under the word paranormal and dragons can be one of those, all of the sightings and stories of them from old times long past and sometimes even now […]
5 Activities I am Interested in Trying
Lately I have been considering going to some kind of social activity/hobby mostly out of sheer interest and also just to see how it could change up my life and perhaps make some friends through it in some way. There are a number of activities I am interested in giving a go including some I […]
The Government of – Antigua & Barbuda
Antigua and Barbuda is a country located in the West Indies, between the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic ocean and it includes the two main islands of which it is named after, Antigua being the largest and includes the capital and largest port city, St John’s and then the smaller 2nd main island of Barbuda, the […]