
The Paranormal Alphabet – D – Dragons

When many people think of the Paranormal their mind would often go to ghostly phenomena, demons and unnatural, extraordinary abilities. I myself like to blanket everything unexplained under the word paranormal and dragons can be one of those, all of the sightings and stories of them from old times long past and sometimes even now […]


The Paranormal Alphabet – C – The Changelings

The myth of the Changeling had a tie in with Christian belief, at least more old-timey archaic beliefs. A Changeling is said to have been the offspring of another mythical creature such as a fairy or elf, sometimes trolls, who would replace a human baby or child with their own, as an imposter, thus it […]


The Paranormal Alphabet – B – The Bell Witch

Featured Photo: Photo in Public domain, found in Ingram’s book, Authenticated History of the Bell Witch. The Bell Witch was an alleged malevolent entity that terrorized the Bell family at their farm in the US state of Tennessee, the entity apparently also troubled surrounding locals as well in the Red River area between 1817 and 1821 […]


The Paranormal Alphabet – A – The Shapeshifting Aswang

Featured Photo: By H.M. Bec from Wikimedia. License. The Aswang is a mythical evil spirit that originates from the Phillipines. They are shapeshifters who are human by day but evil hungry beasts by night, hunting for prey. There are a wide variety of descriptions of what the Aswang looks like and so there is no […]


5 Myths & Folklore from Around the World

Myths, Legends, Folklore… all of it makes up a large part of the world we live in, they are part of traditions both old and new, they are part of oral stories past on through generations serving entertainment, humor, horror and sometimes guidance. Some choose to take folklore and legends seriously, such as that of […]


5 Curious Extra-Terrestrial/Alien Encounters

Featured Photo – Photo by Miriam Espacio from Pexels Aliens or otherwise more formally known as extra-terrestrials when referring to possible life from outer-space have fascinated people for many decades and became a huge part of pop-culture even more so after productions such as War of the Worlds, Steven Spielberg’s Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind and the X-Files […]


The Enfield Haunting

Featured Photo: Taken by Graham Morris, Daily Mirror photographer The Enfield haunting, also called the Enfield poltergeist, was a series of supposed paranormal events that took place at a house in the United Kingdom within the London Borough of Enfield which is located in North London, the events started on 31st August 1977 and lasted up […]


The Legendary Sasquatch – Mystery

Bigfoot is one of the most popular unexplained mysteries of the world next to ghosts and aliens and the most popular cryptid on Earth. You’ll find it very difficult to come across a person who has not heard of Bigfoot in some form and many parts of the world have their own version of Bigfoot […]


The Unexplained and how it Fascinates me – Mystery

The unexplained, the mysterious and unsolved, the caught on camera videos splotted all over Youtube, many of them probably fake… but still cool to watch. Ghosts, Cryptids, Conspiricies and things out of this world. I just love it all so much even though I may not necessarily believe most of it I still find it […]