
The Paranormal Alphabet – Y – The Yowie

In this edition of the paranormal alphabet we are back at it again with another apeman bigfoot-type cryptid this tall-boy hailing from the land down-under… Australia! As has been said there are many legends and tales of apemen or primate-like cryptids from around the world… the most famous being the Sasquatch. Featured Photo: By Seo75 […]


The Paranormal Alphabet – S – The Skunk Ape

Yes! In this edition of the Paranormal Alphabet we reach the letter S where we will be going over another type of big-foot hominid bipedal cryptid ape-like creature. Yeah. But this is an interesting one and it has a very cool picture associated with it which can be seen featured at the top of this […]


Mermaid – Obscure Encounters

Perhaps you scoffed upon glancing over the word “mermaid” or “mermen”, thinking surely something such as this doesn’t at all exist? Like really, an underwater humanoid with a big fishy tail… swimming out in the sea? Surely not… that is something confined to silly fairytales and Disney movies! But nope, there are some out there […]


The Paranormal Alphabet – R – The Raystown Ray

The Raystown Ray is an alleged sea-serpent creature similar to the Loch Ness Monster that lives in the Raystown lake located in the US state of Pennsylvania in Huntingdon county. The lake is the largest entirely within Pennsylvania, the lake was created through the construction of two dams, one replacing the former, with the former […]


Yowie’s Red Eyes – Obscure Encounters

The Yowie is pretty much Australia’s version of the bigfoot, the group of bipedal hominids many people believe exist in many different parts of the world of which there are many different varieties in places such as the US, Canada, Russia, Mongolia, the Himalayas etc. But the Yowie is one of the more known ape-like […]


The Paranormal Alphabet – M – The Mokele Mbembe

In this edition of the Paranormal Alphabet we head on over to Africa to the Congo Basin Region where a monster known as the Mokele Mbembe is said to inhabit within the swampy waters that are hidden away in the dense and mostly untouched rainforests within the basin. Mokele Mbembe is interpreted from the Lingala […]


Iliamna Lake Monster – Obscure Encounters

Also called Jig-ik-nak or Gonakadet by locals or otherwise simply called Illie is a water cryptid that many of the locals believe dwell in the deep depths of the Iliamna lake in the US state of Alaska. It has often been a cause of great concern to the residents who live in nearby fishing villages to the lake, even prompting […]


The Paranormal Alphabet – J – The Jackalope

Welcome back to another edition of the Paranormal Alphabet and on this we have now reached the letter J! And we will be talking about a cryptid from the US and Canada known as the Jackalope. It is also sometimes referred to as a Fearsome Critter. But there is a lot more belief in its […]


The Unexplained and how it Fascinates me – Mystery

The unexplained, the mysterious and unsolved, the caught on camera videos splotted all over Youtube, many of them probably fake… but still cool to watch. Ghosts, Cryptids, Conspiricies and things out of this world. I just love it all so much even though I may not necessarily believe most of it I still find it […]