Entertainment and Gaming

Enter the Gungeon #3 – Gungeon Un-Properly

Read the previous part here.

And thus I enter into the Gungeon Proper, the 2nd chamber and I am ready to face it all with my new bullet gun that shoots guns that shoots bullets, that I am very eager and excited to use for the first time. I assume though that if I die I shall lose it and will only have a chance of getting it back if I face the same boss again, going off some Binding of Isaac logic here, maybe I’m wrong.

Up into the first room I massacre a bunch of bulletkin using my new bullet gun bullet, the sheer mess it causes when firing causes me to get a bit confused amongst everything else that is also going on all at once on the screen, thus causing me to get hit a few times as I get lost in my own barrage of crazed gun-bullet fire.

Then I head into a much larger room and come across a bunch of new enemies, first of all though are the Apprentice Gunjurers who I am already familiar with, but they were in greater number and the large room also had a number of explosive barrels that I kept accidentally hiding behind and as such when they inevitably exploded from the Gunjurers barrages I took much damage.

The two new enemies were first of all a Gunsinger of which is cowardly but can buff other enemies, although I didn’t witness it do anything in this instance apart from charge at me like a lunatic, of which I swiftly dispatched. Then there was a giant bat, specifically the King Bullat that seemed to spawn regular sized Bullats of various types on death, of which did a lot of damage to me, I was left with a single heart!

I wearily head on to the next room, which contained a bunch of statues of large bullets, I was confused at first as the room seemed to contain nothing of value or anything interactible at all, until I came across an altar at the top of the room… which was empty and only allowed me to ‘do nothing,’ and so I left with a mystery.

On to the next room I was swarmed and almost killed by Bullats and then came upon a room with a single bulletkin, who I promptly killed, and a bunch of jars with eyes peeking out of them inside some kind of purple pattern on the floor, of which I am very weary of being a possible trap.

Further investigation on these strange eye-pots was fruitless, they exploded when I remained in the purple areas and caused some kind of symbol above my character but other than that I have no clue what they did, and so I moved on, not knowing if I had done something bad to myself or not.

Not that it mattered anyway as in the next room I was killed by a bunch of bulletkin with shame, due to my low health and terrible ability to dodge bullets, a dangerous combination, and thus I meet my 5th death. I have at least concluded that although the bullet that shoots guns that shoots bullets is cool in concept, it wasn’t too good in reality and I found it far too distracting and as such I probably won’t stick to using it in the future.

As expected upon going right back in I am placed back into the first chamber and I am stripped back down to my basic guns and items. But I am not put off as there is still much to discover, even on a floor that I have already completed, and just like I did on the Binding of Isaac, I know I’ll eventually get good enough to often make it through floors.

After fighting my way through several rooms of Bulletkin, and as usual being terrible at both aiming and dodging, I come across a chest that I am eager to see what it has to offer, and out springs a robotic leg, I pick it up and after consulting the handy almanac find out that it simply increases movement speed… cool.

I then ungracefully fight my way past a gunjurer and his flying book companion and come across a big fancy chest that to my dismay I cannot open as I have no keys left, perhaps I should not have opened the basic chest earlier on.

After fighting through yet more Bulletkin I come across the Boss room but decide I want to finish exploring first in hopes of finding a key for the big fancy chest I discovered earlier. And so on I go with that quest.

More Bulletkin slaughtering later, which at this point should be declared an ethnic genocide by the UN, I find a key and then I am presented with a predicament, another chest room that this time has an interesting green chest, I think for a moment and decide that this time I shall head back and open the fancy chest from earlier as originally planned.

And within it there comes forth some kind of trident… a trident that can shoot lasers! And seeing it as a good sign I head forth to face the boss with this newly acquired weapon.

I manage to barely scrape through the fight, basically one hit away from death as I dive around like an absolute mad man as the gatling bird spammed bullets and rockets everywhere, I really think that if I didn’t have the increased movement speed then some of the very near-misses would have got me and so it seems that using the key wasn’t such a waste after all and everything came together as it needed to. Gatling bird’s dead corpse is then swarmed by a bunch of normal sized birds who apparently devour the corpse, and I am left to claim the spoils, which includes some ugly looking frog thing.

Once again I find it to be one of those very odd unconventional guns, this one shoots out slow moving bubbles that I assume do lots of damage to enemies who walk into them, it will be interesting to test out, but I doubt its ability to be good enough, due to the lack of range.

I am then free to head on back to the 2nd chamber, which we shall get to again in the next edition of this series! And so after getting insulted by the big red talking button, I head to save and break.