
Going All In

I feel really good right now and the reason for that is because I finally have a schedule in place. I have specifically structured my schedule around a typical 9-5 working day. I now wake up at 6am from Mon-Fri which gives me time to do my chores such as washing up the dishes, peeling the potatoes for dinner and gives me some time to check my Ipad games, have breakfast and read some of my books as well as organise in my Bullet Journal.

Once it is 9am I am on my laptop with the intent to write up at least two blogposts, using proper research from numerous sources and going further in-depth on all of the topics of each blogpost more than I have ever done before, which I hope you are already able to see from my recently released Loch Ness Monster Paranormal Alphabet post, which in my own humble opinion is the best one yet in the series of which I have put proper effort into and actually enjoyed doing. This hard work will be incorporated into all of my blogposts from now on.

My schedule also includes spots on having calls with friends on social media (yes, I have some online friends now to) and set days of when I will watch TV programmes/series with my sister. Once my ‘work day’ has ended at 5pm I then make dinner for me and my brother (unless my sister is home to do it from her work) and watch an episode of something while eating, just as I do when I have lunch before I get back to blogpost writing. After dinner though the work day of writing blogposts is over unless I decide to give myself some overtime and instead I will read into a number of political, entertainment, paranormal/mystery, autism and other blogs I have found and enjoy reading and also helps me to get more ideas for my blog and allows me to keep on top of the latest news of what my blogposts focus on.

Having this set schedule makes me feel like I now have direction in life and that I am heading towards a goal, slowly but now surely, to perhaps having this fruitless work become fruitful. But even while it remains fruitless, I am still enjoying it as it also enables me to read up and learn about my interests while I do my research and read other blogs. Originally I was also scared of going further with my blog as eventually, if I ever earn enough money, I will need to learn to do tax returns and that is a big responsibility that frightens me, especially as I am a person who is poor in the subject of maths. But I decided to shelf this fear and just go at it, also with reassurance that my sister will provide help for me when it gets to the point of even needing to do tax returns.

I have finally realized that limiting the blog like I have been this whole time wasn’t doing me any good at all and was never going to enable me to get anywhere and now with determination and a set schedule I go forth without stalling. I can no longer hide behind my fears and sometimes you just have to go head first into something and attack each battle as it comes and goes. I’m sure I’ll figure out all my fears eventually and realize that they were simply irrational this whole time.

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