Blog Information/Announcements

How Is This Blog Doing? – A Quick Friday Review

So, I have been at my new routine now of writing 1-2 blogposts per day for around about 2-ish months now. In this I have been treating the blog more as an everyday working thing rather than a once a week thing that I was doing with it beforehand. My routine has me waking at 6am, doing a few house chores, getting myself ready and fed and then throwing myself into writing the blogposts that I had planned out on Sunday’s (which is just a simple timetable written up in my Bullet Journal).

I have so far managed to keep up with the schedule I have set myself, although at times I have found it a little daunting and worried that I could potentially run out of ideas or get burnt out and at times this problem has come somewhat close, but so far I have managed to see it through. My readership stats and visitors on the blog are slightly up, which is also thanks to the help from my sister spreading the news of my blog to her friends, who have spread on further.

My average views for each blogpost varies anywhere from 5-40+ views generally, an interesting fluctuation and so far I haven’t found any specific niche that can stabilize the views but at the moment it seems to be general preference of the readers/viewers, like for example viewers may be more interested in one country than another in my government systems series. But it is pretty cool initial growth and is good for now.

I have also set up Google AdSense as well to see how it is interacting with the current readers, although I don’t expect to earn anything from it for a while yet, it is mostly just testing it out and getting used to it for when a dedicated community does end up getting built up around this blogging website.

I have been reading a lot more other blogposts from different sources such as political, paranormal, autism, history, top 10s and so on, which have been for increased knowledge, entertainment, getting some ideas for my blogs and also just to see what the structure and routine of these blogs are and discovering how they built up their bases and communities.

There are some things I need to work on as well, such as branching out further, such as sharing and promoting my blogposts on to other social medias such as Reddit and also going into forums and actively sharing/promoting my blogposts, as a way to attract more people and readers, although I do find this a bit hard to do as I don’t want to annoy people too much with stuff like that. I have been actively sharing my posts on Twitter, Facebook and Slideshare as of now.

One of my biggest hits so far was the blog post on how to clear your Discord cache, that got a lot of sudden viewers on to my blogging website, which makes sense, those kind of posts on how to do things generally attract a lot of people and many actively search that stuff.

My highest views of all time so far stand at 92 page views.

So, it is steady and slowly progressive advancement and there has been a visible difference on my blogging stats since I have started my new schedule. But of course there is still much more I need to do and it will be a long time yet before this blog will reach the level of activity of the average blog. I remain dedicated to writing 1-2 blogposts but there is a slight schedule change that I will announce on Monday.

Thank you for reading this post, if you have any queries please Email me, you can find my Email in the Contacts & Community section. Please also follow The Weekly Rambler on Twitter and Facebook which you can access through the buttons at the bottom of this website. You can also use the social media buttons under each blogpost to share with your family, friends and associates. You can also subscribe to Email notifications at the right-side of this website to know whenever a new post goes up (you can easily unsubscribe from this at any time through a button in each Email notification), or alternatively you can use an RSS Feed Reader. Please also join my FB Group The Weekly Ramblers Readers Group where readers can more easily talk with each other and also with me whenever I am on, you can also find it in Community.