
Labour Leadership Election Observations – Circa January 9th

We are starting to see things ramping up now in the Labour Leadership election. So far Keir Starmer has become the first candidate to reach the first qualification threshold by receiving far beyond the required 22 MP/MEP backers, analysis of the backers show that many of them are MPs who did not support Corbyn in his 2016 challenge and is yet to get a single MP who backed Corbyn in 2016. He is also well on his way into full qualification with him already getting the backing of a trade union, Unison.

Rebecca Long-Bailey is running up the behind and will be qualifying for the first requirement of at least 22 MP/MEP backers very soon. Analysis of her backers shows that MPs who backed Corbyn in his 2016 challenge have almost exclusively lined up behind her, including figures such as John Mcdonnel, Angela Rayner (who is one of the top runners in the Deputy Leader election) and Diane Abbot.

And so thus far it is looking like it will be a battle between the Centrists and Corbynites within the party’s leadership election. Lisa Nandy and Jess Phillips are also doing fairly well in getting MP/MEP backing and it looks like they will likely reach the first requirement threshold.

Emily Thornberry and Clive Lewis on the other hand appear to be struggling to get MP backers and are far behind the other so-far declared candidates, but still have four more days to try and round enough in. Talking about other potential candidates, Barry Gardiner, MP since 1997 and current Shadow Secretary of State for International Trade has announced from the Middle East that he is considering a run to replace Corbyn.

UPDATE 9th Jan 18:16: Long-Bailey now has enough MP/MEP backers to pass the first requirement stage, Jess Phillips and Lisa Nandy have also picked up the required support for the first stage.

Make sure to stick around on the Weekly Rambler as I have an announcement coming on Monday.

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