
Me and Food

I am a big foodie and all of my family knows that fact as well, anyone who knows me basically knows that. Food is a big part of my life and that includes all of it, not just the junk food such as take-out meals, sweets, chocolate and other sugary and fat-filled snacks. But also vegatables, fruit and everything else in-between. Pretty much the only things I do not like are peanuts and nuts, although I can stomach hazelnuts if they are in chocolate and I am ok with salted cashews, I also don’t like coconut, unless it is very mildly in something such as a chicken korma.

I eat fruit and vegetables pretty much every day. My favourite vegetables include broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, asparagus and of course sweetcorn, even better if it is on the cob with some butter. My favourite fruits are apples, pomegranates, strawberries and grapes. I often have vegetables with every meal except on the odd occasion where I’ll have baked beans instead. Fruit I will have with every lunch anywhere from 3-4 pieces of fruit and then some in the evening as well after dinner normally 1-2 piece/s of fruit with some grapes. So, I normally get my five-a-day very easily.

Lunch Routine

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood from Pexels

For lunch I normally always use wholemeal bread which is my favourite bread. Originally my favourite was white bread but my mum eventually started getting wholemeal bread many years ago and although I wasn’t too fond of it at first I got used to it and like it much better ,the texture is better, the flavour is better and it is also more healthy in terms of what your body gets out of it. Although margarine is the common spread now, commonly just called butter (even though that’s incorrect). I do like the old-fasioned butter as well as it seems to be more flavourful but again it is obviously unhealthier, plus real hard to spread. I also often toast wholemeal bread for breakfast.

My lunch as of currently is typically a cheese and ham sandwich, which uses three slices of bread to make a single sandwich with two fillings, instead of using four pieces to make two separate sandwiches but that have one filling each, this saves an extra slice and is again a little bit healthier. As said I have fruit on the side and often a bag of crisps and also a cup of tea, which I put one sweetner into.

Sometimes I will make pasta from a packet that is ready flavoured, normally cheese and brocolli or a soup instead such as vegetable soup, chicken soup or tomato soup. Normally with this I will have either two slices of bread or some oven-cooked rolls. Often also with fruit and sometimes a bag of crisps.

I do not like green salad, by which I mean lettuce or anything similar that is cold and planty. The only kind of salads I like are fruit salad, pasta salad and coleslaw is also acceptable.

Dinner Routine

Photo by Janko Ferlic from Pexels

My favourite meat is chicken due to how nice and tender it is, for me the more tender the meat is the better it is, I also like to eat the skin as well and really like eating meat fresh off the bone. Interestingly many are surprised to hear that my least favourite is beef, normally due to it being less tender, although I know it can also be nice and tender as well. I also really, really like the crackling from pork, although it is very rare I have this as obviously it is very unhealthy.

My favourite fish is haddock and also rock eel. Although pretty much all fish is good in my books as it is nice and tender. Of course, though nothing beats getting fish and chips from the chip shop. Supermarket fish doesn’t seem to compare unless they have a fish-monger section.

When I make dinner it is often always with either boiled potatoes or oven chips. The current routine is potatoes Mon-Tue, oven chips Wednesday, potatoes Thu-Fri and oven chips Sat-Sun. Commons mains are chicken kiev (which is breaded chicken with a kind of herby butter inside) or a variant that instead contains cheese and ham, fish, sausages or meat pies. I often do burgers at the weekend.

Now and again I also love to have a chicken korma at the weekend! Alongside a nice big piece of naan bread, normally very big and filling which is why I do not have it every weekend as it is a large amount of calories and a lot of saturated fat.

On special occasions such as Christmas I love having buffet meals where a spread of foods such as cocktail stick food, various meat-food suited for hands, various potato foods and many other finger foods.

I have had a go at making many special dishes as well from time to time such as enchiladas, loaded nachos, pasta bakes and more.

Junk Food!!!

Photo by Caleb Oquendo from Pexels

Ok so now I get to the junk food. Normally during the week, I don’t eat anything super unhealthy and try to stick to a routine of breakfast, normal lunch, normal dinner and then a bit of fruit later in the evening. Although as of late I have been eating a few strawberry jam doughnuts that a family friend brought over! But it’s nothing too bad, so far only one every other day and I plan to polish the rest off at the weekend and delegate my left-over chocolate bar to the weekend afterwards, which I had originally planned to finish this weekend, so I am still being responsible.

Talking about the sweet stuff, I normally categorize it into three distinct areas, they are sweets, which includes gummies, marshmallows, hard-boiled, lollipops etc, then we have chocolate which is pretty self-explanatory and then finally cakes/pastries and ice cream which is also pretty self-explanatory.

My ranking of these groups from favourite to least favourite is as follows…

  • Chocolate is my favourite
  • Followed by cakes, pastries and ice cream.
  • And then finally sweets.

All of them I would happily eat, but chocolate is just really nice and seems to last longer. My favourite type of chocolate is dark chocolate, I just like the strong taste it has and it seems richer and I like the look of it. Milk chocolate comes in 2nd followed by white chocolate in 3rd, again though don’t let this deceive you as I will happily eat white chocolate. I’ll happily eat pretty much any food.

On cakes and pastries I really love fruit crumbles with custard, including rhubarb and custard!

Moving on to salty junk food, one of my favourites is doritos or any kind of tortilla chips or large crisp-like snacks such as pringles with sour cream and chives dip, the absolute best dip ever made in the history of dips and of which I’ll pretty much put on anything.

On the occasions we do get take-away food it is normally either USA take-away which includes fried chicken and fries, which is what I always get from the USA tack-away. Or Domino’s pizza where I either make my own pizza or get a meat-feast pizza, stuffed crust, I also normally get a side of wings. The pizza will normally provide me for dinner and then lunch the next day. And yes, I use both the garlic dip and hot dip that comes with the respective Domino’s orders, I pour the garlic dip on to each pizza slice as evenly as possible. With the hot dip I just dip the wings into it like normal, I really like the burning sensation for some reason alongside the taste of the wings.

The spicy part is interesting as I didn’t used to like spicy food when I was younger, I in-fact absolutely hated it, I was so bad that I even considered things like korma as spicy. But now I love it.

I also like Chinese take-out as well. On the very rare occasion I get Chinese it will normally be chicken chow mein, perhaps with some extra egg-fried rice. And a side of those chicken ball things, just lumps of chicken in batter.

Eating Out

When eating out, which I normally do on my birthday… which is coming up soon… I will normally just go to places I perhaps haven’t been before or that I wanted to try-out… these has included Mexican, Italian restaurants and I have also just gone to standard restaurants as well. So far, my favourite has been the Mexican restaurants, loaded nachos… burritos and so on.

There is this one place called Kaspa’s that sells mega-sized desserts, which is all it sells, no other food, just very-bad-for-you dessert food super-sized. Like for example a dinner-plate sized waffle loaded with whatever toppings you want or big crepes, huge bowls of ice cream and pint-glass sized milk shakes and much more. I have so far always got a waffle from there… it’s a real struggle to finish. It is advised to only eat light before going there. And as well… it should be a massive rarity as it is so bad for you.

TLDR – I like food.

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