
Obscure Encounters – The Black-eyed Children

The Black-eyed Children commonly referred to as BEC’s are an unusual entity that some people claim to have witnessed in the United States and United Kingdom. They appear to be some kind of spirit or possibly demon that can haunt certain places from time to time and act with malicious intent. Many times, they may knock on people’s doors during strange ungodly hours and act like a child who requires help or assistance, but upon being invited into the house of a person… can show their true intent and wreak havoc on the unsuspecting person.

Featured Photo by Megamoto85 from Wikimedia. License.

The black-eyed children are called as such as they literally have pure black eyes, including the whites of the eyes also being black. There have also been reports of black-eyed adults as well but it is much more commonly reported to look like a young child. Many times places who claim to have a haunting with a black-eyed child will have a tragic accompanying story to do with possibly a child who was abused and killed. It seems the black-eyed entities can often be connected to tragedy and pain and is perhaps why they are as they now are… to seek revenge or cause harm to others, looking for justice.

Of course, that is how some of the tales go anyway but obviously there has been no documented case of someone who let a BEC into their house being killed. It is said that you cannot be hurt by them if you choose not to admit or invite one into your property and although they may act in an aggressive or angered manner at this, they will be unable to physically hurt you, although it is possible they may attempt to put on more of an act as a way to make you change your mind.

Of course, though, this is just a silly tale or mystery that probably has no grounds in reality and if a distressed child does ever actually knock on your door… specially during unusual hours, you should definitely help them.

In other tales Black-eye children have been said to hitchhike or beg for money on the streets.

The Encounter

One of the original encounters was from a journalist called Brian Bethel in Abilene, Texas, US in 1996. Bethel said that late one evening he was sitting in his car in a parking lot while writing a check, near to a movie theatre. This is when he would be approached by some random children on the street. He didn’t notice the seemingly two young boys at first until the older of the boys knocked on his car window which he then rolled down, at this point he noted a sudden “soul-wracking fear” which is a common experience reported around black-eyed children.

The older boy told Brian that they wanted to see a movie but that they had left their money at home and asked if he could give them a ride in his car to their home to fetch the money and then return to the theatre. The boys assured him it would not take long and also said that they “didn’t have a gun”.

Brian was unnerved by the assurances and also noted that the final showing of the film they wanted to see had already started and would nearly be over by the time they picked up the money and returned. Brian would also later state that when he broke eye-contact with them his fear would become much worse, all-encompassing and also said that their eyes appeared black when breaking eye-contact.

The older boy begun getting frustrated with the excuses Brian made for not doing as they asked and the older boy would state that “they could not get into the car unless Brian said that it was okay”. Brian quickly left the parking lot soon after this.

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