
Paranormal Colorado – Mountain Predators, Mysterious Airport and Stanley Hotel

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Colorado is a state located in the Western to South-Western United States and is one of the states apart of the Four Corners monument. It is bordered with Utah, New Mexico and a tiny corner of Arizona which it makes the Four Corners with; the state is also bordered with Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas and a small part of Oklahoma. Colorado is nicknamed the Centennial State due to it gaining statehood with the Union one century after the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Denver is its state capital and most populous city.

Colorado’s terrain is made up of a mix of mountains, forests, high plateaus, mesas, rivers, canyons and desert. Colorado’s economy is highly diversified with major forces being agriculture, livestock, business, production and manufacturing as well as scientific research and technology and the federal government is a major economic force in the state due to a number of important federal facilities in there.

But what of the paranormal happenings in the state of Colorado? The state is another where the Sasquatch can often be sighted out in the wilderness by locals and people who have visited the state of Colorado. But Colorado also has a very strange and much more localized and frankly quite absurd cryptid or which sounds very much like a Fearsome Critter.

The Slide-Rock Bolter utilises mountains to hunt. Photo by John Fowler from Flickr. CC BY 2.0. Source.

I am talking about the Slide-Rock Bolter, one of the most bizarre cryptids I have read up about so far. Stories about this strange creature originates from Lumberjacks, which makes it all the more seem like a Fearsome Critter. This ginormous creature would be terrifying to come across, looking like some large whale or fat grotesque worm, with a gigantic mouth set with rows of teeth, on its behind it has a tail that it can hook around the tops of mountains, which is where these creatures remain until their beady eyes spot a victim/prey below… where they will let go of the top of the mountain and slide down… using its own saliva as lubrication and gobble up the victim/s below if they didn’t manage to get away in time… not absurd enough? The creature then simply keeps on sliding forwards and on up and over the next mountain, hooks itself and waits again.

It certainly sounds like some kind of wild fantasy creature you’d find only in some of the craziest most dangerous worlds out there and I think we can say with quite high certainty that these things surely can’t exist, otherwise the devastation they would leave behind would clearly have been noted. But that has not stopped the legends and interesting stories of this apparent miracle beast that can defy the laws of physics. It does make a good campfire story though for a bunch of bored lumberjacks after a hard day’s work and it can also be another way of coping with loss, as getting lost out in the wilderness wasn’t so uncommon, due to it being a vast and dangerous place, it could simply only take one slip, one broken ankle or so on to be stuffed out there and never be seen again.

For those that have gone missing in the woods and of which they have not been found and remains unexplained, the Slide-Rock Bolter is surely to be blamed by some.

Denver International Airport – the subject of many conspiracy theories. Photo by Bmurphy380 from Wikimedia. CC BY-SA 4.0. Source.

Ok… but what about something that is perhaps more realistic. It seems that apart from the typical national ones such as dogmen, the Wendigo, Skinwalkers, Thunderbirds and as already mentioned, the Sasquatch, Colorado doesn’t seem to have too much localized cryptids or paranormal beings within it, quite surprisingly. But there are some other oddities that I can bring up.

One such place brings us to the state capital of Denver and to its Denver International Airport, which is the subject of many oddities and conspiracy theories and of which people who have used the place note a strange vibe to the airport and of something about it just not being quite right – like a certain instinct that is telling many people that something is off at this airport… but just why is this?

The strange décor that can be found around the airport likely doesn’t help, such as disturbing wall paintings and also a statue called the Blue Mustang, of which its eyes glow red when viewed from certain angles and of which also crushed its sculptor to death in an unfortunate and tragic accident.

Some of the wall paintings found in the airport were so disturbing or brought such controversy that they ended up being covered up, of which these paintings can still be found online from those who photographed them. Such strange paintings that can or could be found at the airport has included sinister murals, such as crying children outside a burning building who were huddled around a bloodied knife and also a painting of a Nazi officer wearing a gas mask, dead animals in some of the paintings – you just have to think, whose idea was it to have these weird and disturbing art in a communal international airport? The artist behind a number of them has explained that they were about the terrors of war and how the people, such as the children, were dreaming for peace and harmony, which would one day come.

People have noted how construction of the airport, which was completed in 1995, took a year longer than scheduled and that it was $2 billion over budget – which can be quite suspect. Many have connected the place with groups such as the Illuminati or Free Masons or other secretive groups that people suspect are trying to bring forth a New World Order and many claim that the vast tunnels under the airport, originally built for a baggage system that failed to work (which some say is the cover story), stretch further than people realize and contain nuclear bunkers for the rich and powerful, there are also stories of underground buildings, apparently buildings built incorrectly that were simply just… buried, instead of being torn down. Stranger yet is a plaque that says the airport was built and funded by the “New World Airport Commission”, further stoking the conspiracy of the airport being a cover for something much more sinister, especially since no information can be found on such an entity being registered to exist.

Further research brings up that a number of contributors a part of helping build and design the airport such as a metal company and architecture organisation exist… but just why were they put under an umbrella of a non-existent entity… that gives a striking allusion to the New World Order?

The airport is very large, in-fact it is the largest airport by area in the entirety of the United States, you’d think places in states such as California and New York would be better suited to having an airport of this magnitude. Of course, though, it isn’t completely out of the ordinary for a public construction to overrun or be over budget, but it is one of the things people note that could have been exploited for the needs of a group with ulterior motives. There is a time capsule that was buried at the airport and is set to be opened in the 2090s and strangely a marker over the capsule includes symbols associated with the Freemasons.

Some people have argued that the old airport that Denver International Airport (Old Stapleton Airport) replaced didn’t need to be replaced as it was still functioning and meeting the cities need, although some points, such as lack of room to expand and badly designed runways, which were a safety hazard and impacted the operational capacity of the airport under certain conditions, gave ground to the fact that the old airport wasn’t exactly optimal. Talking about runways, this leads us to another one of the many conspiracy theories of the airport, as when looking from the air at Denver airport, the runways curiously look like the pattern of a Swastika, which has stoked one of the conspiracy theories that the secretive group behind the airport was some kind of nefarious pro-Nazi group, that are using the airport for a hidden agenda.

So, what are we to make of all this? These are not all of the conspiracy theories of the airport and merely a quick overview… much of it can be explained, but could it all be too much of a coincidence? As said by many of its visitors, there certainly seems to be something off with the place.

Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

So let’s us finish off this section (not the post) with a vampire legend, coming from a place called Lafayette, where in a cemetery there is to be found a grave of a person said to be a vampire, local legends say that the tree growing right over the grave had sprouted from the stake that was used to kill this vampire and rose brambles that were there are said to have been its fingernails that kept on growing. The area of the grave is a common spook for the local kids looking to get themselves scared, perhaps coming across the ghost of the supposed vampire, especially on the night of Halloween.

The fact that some locals say the vampire’s ghost haunts the cemetery has also had paranormal investigators to the area in an attempt to catch this activity using various specialized equipment, with varying and somewhat interesting results.

But what is the identity of this so-called vampire? And why do people think that they were possibly a vampire? Well, the subject in question is a person who immigrated to Lafayette to work as a miner and he came from Transylvania – now-a-days a region in Romania, Europe and an area through history that has been strongly associated with Vampires thanks to the Dracula novel that started the Dracula legend and so it appears that naturally the man himself, called Fodor Glava, became associated with being a Vampire and so from that the legend must have begun. A very loosely based local legend with not a lot to back it up, but interesting nonetheless.

Stanley Hotel. Photo by Miguel Vieira. CC BY 2.0. Source.

Finally, to finish this all off… this post having been fairly different to the last few paranormal state posts due to Colorado being seemingly fairly void of much local beasts and cryptids… we will look into a haunting found in the state of Colorado.

Of course, we have to go with none other than the Stanley Hotel, which was the inspiration for Stephen King’s “The Shining” and the three-part miniseries based on the novel also being filmed there, making it an interesting and perhaps ominous and disturbing site for anyone who stays the night, it is said that King received the idea when he had a lucid nightmare while staying at the hotel with his family, where his son was being chased around the Stanley Hotel. The 142-room hotel is located in Estes Park and has gorgeous views of the surrounding natural nature and scenery as well as the Estes lake.

The Hotel first opened on July 4th, 1909 and served as a resort for upper-class easterners and also a health retreat for those suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis, as the hotel’s founder Freelan Oscar Stanley had himself suffered from the disease and found that a retreat to the area had helped him recover dramatically. Interestingly the hotel doesn’t have any dark history and its strong association with the paranormal only came about after The Shining used inspiration from the hotel and also the three-parter adaptation that was filmed there (the maze featured in the film adaptation was later added to the hotel, which didn’t exist before).

So why is that? How could a once fine and peaceful hotel be turned into a place that is haunted by restless spirits and unexplained activity that has attracted well-known paranormal shows such as that of Ghost Adventures to check it out? Could it be that the association was so strong after the creation of these stories and media that it actually attracted paranormal entities to the hotel? Or is it simply people being superstitious and jumpy simply due to the association and tricking themselves into having experiences there, or even just perhaps… at least in part… making it up simply due to it being associated with The Shining?

It is hard to say but the paranormal side of the hotel that now exists plays a big part in attracting people to stay at the hotel and there is without doubt people having some interesting experiences as well as things captured by paranormal investigators and shows.

That isn’t to say there wasn’t any paranormal activity at the hotel before The Shining, the founder of the hotel is said to be a ghost there, roaming the halls and communal spaces and it is believed his wife can also be seen sometimes, and is said to make noises via a piano there. Residual sounds of children running around and playing isn’t uncommon and there is even said to be a ghost called Billy who has Autism and is drawn to people who have an association with Autism and a common trait of this ghost is to play with people’s hair.

There is also a pet cemetery on the land as well and it is said some of the animals who had their final resting places there haunt the hotel to this day and that their apparitions can be seen skulking about the hallways.

But it does seem like The Shining massively hyped up the Stanley Hotel into a very haunted location.

Next up we will be heading to the state of New Mexico to check out more of the paranormal and cryptids.

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