
Summer, the Good and the Bad… Mostly the Bad

I have a love-hate relationship with Summer. First of all is the good stuff, such as the weather during the summer being stunning and beautiful, the greenery, the colours, the clear blue skies, the days brighter for longer, the smell of the clean fresh air and the lack of required generally uncomfortable clothing-layers for warmth – not that I need that many myself I am actually fairly immune to the cold – but Summer in all of this aspect are great, plus the trips out with family for fun days and generally you just do more things out and about in the Summer compared to Winter as it tends to be more pleasant.

Featured Photo: Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

But then there is the bad side of Summer – for me at least – which includes my house trying its absolute best to suck in all the heat there is and turn the place into a sauna and it doesn’t seem to matter how many windows you open it’s still too warm and so it can make you uncomfortable through the day, while doing activities or even just sitting down and at nights you just fidget and toss and turn in your bed because it is just too warm, making it incredibly difficult to sleep which then ends up giving me anxiety I won’t get to sleep or I just end up becoming grumpy – heat in general, too much of it, can be very aggravating, at least in the Winter there are easily ways to adequately warm up, but in the Summer in the hottest of days you can have all the fans and windows in the world and it only tends to have a minimal effect.

Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

Also, when it is far too warm it also becomes harder to think and generally function as effectively at least I find, heat can be very distracting. Heat also tends to be a trigger for headaches for me, it is often throughout the hot days of Summer that I will get headaches on many of the days which is without a doubt heat related as it only happens during the summer, it is that kind of headache on one side and behind the eye as well and it isn’t fun, plus it is another distraction.

Then we have all the insects that decide to come out, generally most of them stay outside that’s fine, but sometimes you do get that odd bee or wasp that attempts to get in through an open window and you are gripped with anxiety as you hear a buzzing near the open window – and then if they do actually get in – well that can be a bit of a nightmare. Then there are all the flies that often get in as well, trying to get at your food and dirtying up the house, they are quite disgusting things and some of them are annoying and decide to dive bomb you or just keeping flying around your head, as if they are asking to be eliminated, it’s like they don’t understand survival, imagine if humans just ran around lions all the time, playing chicken with them? It would not end well.

Image by strikers from Pixabay

The buzzy flies are even more annoying, going near your ears and sometimes they can be mistaken for bees or wasps giving a moment of anxiety – and god help you if a buzzy one gets in your bedroom and you’re unable to get it out, where it will be flying and buzzing around all night, teaming up with the heat to keep you up. You can think really that the heat and insects are natural allies in this instance because you basically have no choice but to open your windows and sometimes doors, allowing greater chance for flies and other annoying things to enter.

Then there are the moths, one of the things I absolutely hate and have a phobia of. The bigger and fuzzier the moth is and the more of a visible bulbous body it has, the worse it is. I don’t know why I am scared of them but I just am and so those getting into the house can be a great distress, although I have got better with this phobia over the last few years. I’m pretty sure I picked up the phobia from my sister as she also had a phobia of moths.

Image by Andreas Lischka from Pixabay

But despite all those annoying, stressful and anxiety inducing things that disrupt day-to-day routine… I guess Summer is still ultimately good for the things I stated in the upper most paragraph. Good trumps bad, even though there appears to be a lot more bad they are all actually minimal and small things – it’s just that it is everywhere – but the good things you remember clearly and forever, the exact moments – the bad things you remember as undefined experiences and so aren’t significant, just annoying.

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