
10 Strange Paranormal Powers and Phenomena – Part 10 – The Men in Black

It can be kind of considered a “phenomenon” and it is certainly a strange one and I have touched on it briefly a couple times before and most recently in one of my Obscure Encounters posts. Basically, they are people… or things, some believe they could be androids or aliens, that can either interrogate people, […]


10 Strange Paranormal Powers and Phenomena – Part 9 – Mysteries Falling from the Sky

Sometimes things can fall from the sky for no apparent reason and under very strange and mysterious circumstances that cannot be fully explained or explained at all which leads to many wild ideas for how these incidents could possibly happen. Such incidents include things like live fish or frogs falling from the sky or dozens […]


10 Strange Paranormal Powers and Phenomena – Part 8 – Time Slips

Time slips are unexplained events that some people have claimed to experience where all of a sudden, they have miraculously for whatever reason found themselves suddenly in a different time period, most often it is in the past but sometimes some people have even claimed to have accidentally slipped into the future. It is a […]


10 Strange Paranormal Powers and Phenomena – Part 7 – Thoughtography

Thoughtography is an ability that some people have claimed to possess and it allows them to use their mind to develop images on film. The people that claim to have it can knowingly affect the outcome of photographic film by making shapes and other things appear that were not there physically when the picture was […]


10 Strange Paranormal Powers and Phenomena – Part 6 – Unexplained Animal Mutilations and Slaughters

Unexplained animal mutilations tend to run on a common theme, often that they are done with extreme, almost unnatural surgical precision, and that they often happen during the night and that it can also be common for a spate to happen within a given area one first occurs. A lot of the time every drop […]


10 Strange Paranormal Powers and Phenomena – Part 5

Spontaneous Human Combustion Next up we move to a scarier and more macabre subject that can also potentially be related to unexplained levels of energy within the body, at least in some of the theories of course. It is the unexplained and alleged phenomenon of spontaneous human combustion. I remember when I first came across this […]


10 Strange Paranormal Powers and Phenomena – Part 4

Unexplained Forces Sometimes things can happen to electrical devices, people and vehicles that cannot be quite explained and many people believe it can be to do with electromagnetic energy in the air that is stronger in some places than others or can suddenly spike up for a time in an area on very rare occasions, […]


10 Strange Paranormal Powers and Phenomena – Part 3

Part 3 – Helsby Hill Window Area A window area or region is a place where paranormal and unexplained phenomena happens much more often than chance should dictate, the idea of these areas was first brought up by John Keel in the mid-1960s. Keel was an American journalist, UFOlogist and avid researcher of the paranormal and unexplained […]


10 Strange Paranormal Powers and Phenomena – Part 2

Crop Circles  I would hazard a guess at most people knowing what crop circles are, but if you don’t, in short it is strange and often expansive patterns that have been found in many crop fields around the world, with many pictures of the phenomena available to view online, many of which come from the […]


10 Strange Paranormal Powers and Phenomena – Part 1 

Our vast Earth is full of strange mysteries and observed phenomena of an unsolved nature and here I am focusing on things to do with forces and powers of the unknown, some of which are scary and others of which are fascinating and peek up our interest in awe. Here I present a 10-part series […]