
Unemployment Among People with Autism is a Systemic Problem, not an Individual’s One 

Featured Photo: Image by www_slon_pics from Pixabay I think it is obvious to anyone who looks at the statistics that the level of unemployed people who have Autism speaks of a systemic issue rather than an individual’s issue. But there are many people who would rather blame each and every person with Autism instead, because […]


Mark Rober and Color the Spectrum – Autism Awareness and Support for Adults with Autism!

Featured Photo: Source. Today I wanted to talk a bit about Mark Rober and more specifically on the subject of Autism as it relates to his reveal that his son has Autism, which is the story for many families and parents, and he understandably was nervous to let his fans and the internet know about […]

Lifestyle Politics

Locking up Those with Autism Under the Mental Health Act is Tantamount to Human Rights Abuse

As someone with Autism I am absolutely appalled that in this state and age we find those with Autism and other learning-difficulties being locked away in mental-health holding cells against their and even in a number of cases, their families will. The conditions they are being kept in, small rooms, the absolute minimum human contact, […]