Entertainment and Gaming Lifestyle

What do I Watch on Youtube? Part 2 – Religiously Watching & More History

There are only a small few channels I have religiously watched and still do, there was one point in time when I discovered these weird meme channels that would make parodies from the German WW2 war movie about Hitler and the Nazis called Downfall, I originally found them very funny and would watch tons of them, even made two myself and uploaded them on an old channel… you can check them out… they’re probably not very funny, but as a child they are what you’d expect, the videos also contain a link to make your own, if it still works.

Image by vishnu vijayan from Pixabay

Anyway, the unterganger channels as they were called, I got into watching the Hitler’s Rants Parodies channel, every single video every time they uploaded (bear in mind that this was normally the same few scenes over and over again, but just with different subtitles added over each time), another one I’d watch every video of was called Fegelein’s Lost Tapes, crazily the HRP channel is actually still actively uploading, I can’t imagine how he still does it after all this time. Eventually though the novelty did wear off for me watching these parodies, but they still hold a memorable place in my life.

Channels I currently watch religiously right now are KidBehindaCamera, the father of Angry Grandpa, of which you can guess why he was called that, he had his own channel that included his freakouts and pranks, sadly he died about two-ish years ago now I think so it is only KidBehindaCamera now but I still find their vlogs to be interesting to watch and so still watch every one and now and again they release an unseen AGP video, but they have tons of videos, freakouts and pranks to go back and watch.

Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

I originally found the channel through looking for just general prank videos via a Youtube recommend and I was hooked ever since, before that I’d just watch random public prank videos. Now I understand that the pranks and freakouts could very well have easily been faked and a number of them or many of them probably were, but even in the face of that I still found them entertaining to watch anyway and funny and that’s what counts.

Another thing I have often liked to do on Youtube is watching people play games I enjoy for the first time, like it is a total blind play through for them as I like to watch people’s reactions to things they have not yet seen, and that I know are coming. This is also why I very much liked the reaction channels that ended up coming about, that react to other Youtube videos, movies, trailers and TV shows (in the case of TV shows and movies, they can show usually up to 10 minutes without breaking copyright, and that’s normally good enough to fit all the parts in you want to see them react to). Now there has been a lot of controversy over the morality of reaction channels as it can be an easy thing to do and kind of stealing content from creators, which is an understandable position.

Image by Pixaline from Pixabay

But despite that I still very much enjoy watching them react to those things and usually if you are watching them react to something, chances are you have already watched it a number of times from the original source.

In the case of comedy I am as may be known to some who might have read some of my stuff, up in the air. So, memes can make me laugh. But the humor can be hard to pinpoint for me, but generally those who make me laugh don’t stick to conventional means, which often conventional comedy doesn’t make me laugh. For me it’s normally the more edgy and dark stuff, some things that people may find offensive. Some of these channels that can make me laugh are Idubbz and Maxmoefoe, one was FilthyFrankTV back when he was active (and before that Dizastamusic). I first discovered GreekGodX from his VODs uploaded to Youtube. Basically, stuff that can sometimes push the boundaries or is just completely unconventional and random is what often makes me laugh.

Image by raphaelsilva from Pixabay

Anyway, back to what I currently religiously watch… right now there is a channel that is being run by Markiplier and Crankgameplays called Unus Annus, it’s a sort of project they are doing where they upload a video each day for an entire year and then afterwards they delete the channel and all of its videos and so if you miss that time period, well, there’s basically no chance of finding it, or at least it will be very difficult to find. The channel doesn’t focus on anything in particular, they have been doing a variety of different things together, obviously right now they are doing videos from their homes due to the coronavirus, but I am still committing to watching every single video until they are finished, I watch their new upload each morning when eating breakfast. It’s just interesting to see what new video they manage to come up with each day and they are still also managing to maintain their main channels as well and I can only imagine that’s quite tough work.

Another group I watch religiously is the OfflineTV channel including their podcast channel and clips channel (Offline TV & Friends), they are a group of streamers and content creators that I just find entertaining to watch, they can upload fun videos to their main Youtube channel of activities or games they play/do with each other. Their clips channel are the top chosen clips from their streams and content (including from streamers and content creators not part of Offline TV but who they still know well) and then the podcast is self-explanatory and just a good way to pass time. My favourites from the group are Pokimane, Micheal and Lilypichu as I also watch their Youtube channels as well.

There is a talk show I watch religiously called Cold Ones, it includes the previously mentioned MaxMoeFoe but also someone called Chad (Anything4Views) and I just enjoy seeing who they have on their talk show each time and just listening again to pass the time. The talk show can be quite hectic and also edgy and more offensive humour again and also it revolves around drinking lots of alcohol (now I don’t drink any at all myself) but that’s why it’s called Cold Ones as Chad and MaxMoeFoe like lots of alcohol, they all usually end up getting progressively drunker as it goes on.

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

I’ll finally round this off with a few more. AllTime10s and Dark5 are some list channels I watch from time to time and they can be very interesting and they have tons of videos to go through and is a great use of time. Dark5 tends to be more macabre and scarier stuff while AllTime10s are a variety of different topics.

I watch all of the Try Not to Laugh and Try Not to Eat videos on the REACT and Try Not To channels. Back to gaming I watch DashieGames very often as I find him very funny due to his randomness and hyperactivity, one particular series of videos I watch every single time are his Mario Maker let’s plays where he plays numerous fan made levels.

Image by Rafael Javier from Pixabay

The latest channels I have started watching are TheOdd1sOut and Jaiden Animations which are channels that do animated videos on various life stories and experiences, which are quite funny. There is so much more I want to mention but it is just going to get too long so I’ll make one little quick list below…

Sam O’Nella Academy – Funny and not super serious animated videos on famous events/historical stuff and things.

Rob Gavagan – Dark videos on serial killers, the unexplained, strange topics, unsolved stuff and creepy things. As well as some comedy such as Why Would you Put That on the Internet.

HowToBasic – Used to watch this all the time, every video, but novelty eventually wore off. Basically, a man who does “How to” videos where he goes crazy and makes a mass mess.

There’s probably much more I could have said but this ended up get way too long.

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