Reading Wheel of Time

Let’s Read the Wheel of Time Series – New Spring – Part 3

Make sure to check out Part 2 here first. Chapter 3 – Practice SPOILERS ARE AHEAD – YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! So in this chapter we begin with who are probably a very panicked Moiraine and Siuan. We learn a bit more about the Ajahs and also of the system of teaching – the Accepted […]

Reading Wheel of Time

Let’s Read the Wheel of Time Series – New Spring – Part 2

Make sure to check out Part 1 here first. Chapter 2 – A wish Fulfilled SPOILERS AHEAD – YOU HAVE BEEN WARNMED! In this next chapter we meet a new POV character called Moiraine. She is sitting in the Amyrlin’s sitting room. She has a best friend, a Tairen, called Siuan. We also find out […]

Reading Wheel of Time

Let’s Read the Wheel of Time Series – New Spring – Part 1

I have been eagerly awaiting to start this new book series that I obtained probably almost a year ago now but I have been spending my time getting through the Saxon Stories series of books by Bernard Cornwell of which were very good (and a quite long series) and I had gotten them following my […]

news Opinion Politics

Super Tuesday: The ‘It’s Over’ Edition

Super Tuesday is done and all in all it was rather the expected outcome – well I guess apart from Haley’s surprise Vermont win (only by about a couple thousand votes) – but obviously that alone was not going to be enough to justify staying in the race as Trump is now quickly approaching the […]

news Opinion Politics

Haley Finally Gets a Win – And the Super Tuesday to Come

Well. Look at that. It seems Haley staying in the race finally paid off (partially kidding) as she has managed to win the Washington D.C Republican Primary. This gives her 19 delegates with Trump getting 0. It is both a small and major win when looking at it – small in the sense that it […]

news Opinion Politics

The Caucuses To Come (And How Trump will Probably Win Each One)

Well, the results of the South Carolina and Michigan Republican primaries are in and the results are hardly surprising. But Nikki Haley is still clinging on to the race to the GOP nomination which so far has not been much of a race at all. It seems she is at least going to stick in […]

news Opinion Politics

The Republican South Carolina and Michigan Primaries and How to Lose to Nobody

It looks like Donald Trump got exactly what he wanted in the Nevada caucus/primary shambles. For one he got to run basically unopposed and sweep up all the delegates while Haley managed to lose to nobody AKA “None of the above”. So Trump can outright claim a victory there. Despite the embarrasing outcome for Haley […]

Opinion Politics

The Utter Shambles that is the Republican Nevada Caucus/Primary

Well if you thought the debacle in New Hampshire for the Democrats was a bit of a shambles, just wait until you hear what has happened in Nevada for the Republican caucus and primary… yes you heard that right they are holding both in an opposing fashion and neither Trump nor Haley are on the […]

Opinion Politics

2024 US Republican Primaries New Hampshire Edition: And They All Came Tumbling Down

And just like that there is just Trump and Haley as both DeSantis and Ramaswamy come tumbling down after only one vote. This was despite DeSantis just barely managing to clinch second place in the Iowa Caucus above Haley but it was clear from that point (and realistic for a while now) that DeSantis did […]

Opinion Politics

Republican Primaries/Caucuses Tracker 2024 – Republican Iowa Caucuses

It is about that time again. Hey all. Been a while since I have done a blog post as life has just been generally busy lately and I have also just kind of been taking a break too. I have a job now (which is very, very good and still hard to believe) but that […]