
5 Things People with Autism Struggle At

Featured Photo by Tim Gouw from Pexels As I have said in some of my previous blogposts on Autism, life for a person on the Autism Spectrum can be difficult, especially in later life, people with high-functioning Autism may realize they are lacking behind others and unfortunately this can lead to depression and a sense of worthlessness, […]


What Autism Means for Me as an Individual

Autism is no small condition, it is something that affects you from birth all the way up until the time you leave the Earth and the affects it has on your life are very big and often times others may not even know how much it can manipulate the life of someone who has it, […]


Top 10 Favourite Playstation-2 Games

Featured Photo by Nikita Kostrykin on Unsplash  The Playstation-2 was a big part of my young and now long gone childhood and is pretty much where I first got into any sort of gaming type content, although I did have some experience with SEGA MegaDrive (SEGA Genesis to those in NA) and PlayStation One beforehand, but the Playstation-2 is where it […]


Autism can really make you feel like you’re on the Wrong Planet

Featured photo: by from Pexels It mostly comes down to communication and social cues. People with Autism simply don’t understand most of the time how to start and keep a proper conversation going and also fail to identify common social cues which can put general people off of them or cause them to avoid […]


5 Different Christmas traditions from 5 different countries

Featured Image by from Pexels. It will be Christmas Eve upon this post going up and so such a time has it that I would obviously take the chance of doing a Christmas blogpost, what better way to do a Christmas blogpost than to go through a number of different countries to see how […]


Top 5 Unsatisfying Cups of Tea

Featured photo by from Pexels.  A good cup of tea is a big part of British culture, it is no secret and also no stereotype. A cup of tea is a staple part of many British house holds, you often have a pot of sugar, a pot of teabags and a lot of milk […]


5 Reasons why I Love Halloween – Lifestyle

(Featured Photo by Aleksandar Cvetanović from Pexels) Halloween is one of my favourite times of the year for a number of reasons and I have always looked forward to it and still do despite being 20 years old and not really doing as much stuff on the day as I use to, but for some […]


Delving into the world of Blogging – Lifestyle

So I thought I would start a blog and get doing something with my life because I am just sitting here in my room most of the time searching up activities to do on the internet but then just being mostly bored a lot of the time. I have Autism so in reality it is just hard to do much because with Autism you just have no social life most the time and I thought it is probably about time that I should get into something somewhat social, so here I am trying this out.