
The Government of – Algeria

Algeria is a large country located in the North of Africa, bordered with six other countries, which are Morocco, Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Libya and Tunisia as well as having a long coast on the Mediterranean Sea, Algeria also has a small border with the disputed Western Sahara territory, which I will tell a bit more […]


The Government of – Afghanistan

Featured Image: Afghanistan Map Picture made by Sommerkom (Wikipedia). Creative Commons License – (The Afghan flag I edited in on its corner is not owned by the individual and is in the public domain and free to use).   Hello and welcome to my new series of politics related blogposts to do with how each countries government system […]


The Vote of No Confidence – UK Politics

Featured photo: by Dominika Gregušová from Pexels With the possibility of a vote of no confidence happening some time in the near-future against current Conservative Prime Minister Theresa May due to the handling of the BREXIT debacle, I thought I would go over what a Vote of No Confidence is and how it works as well […]


My US Midterm Elections Review

Featured photo by Samad Ismayilov from Pexels  Well the Midterms are now done and dusted and the next big election for the US will be the 2020 Presidential Election where House seats will be up again, more Senate seats will be up and Donald Trump will be fighting to secure a 2nd term as President. […]


My Prediction for the US Midterm Elections – Politics

Featured image: Photo by Element5 Digital from Pexels My Predictions based on latest polls…  US Senate – 100 seats, 35 up for election (including two special elections) – 51 needed for control Republicans – 53 | +3 Democrats – 46 | -3 Independants – 1 US House of Representatives – 435 seats – 218 needed […]


Let’s Talk About the US Midterm Elections – Politics

I’ve always enjoyed politics ever since my mid-teens and there is one main reason for that, as well as a few other smaller reasons such as caring how my country is run and keeping myself informed on what is happening and what might happen not just in my own country but also around the world. […]