
The Unexplained and how it Fascinates me – Mystery

The unexplained, the mysterious and unsolved, the caught on camera videos splotted all over Youtube, many of them probably fake… but still cool to watch. Ghosts, Cryptids, Conspiricies and things out of this world. I just love it all so much even though I may not necessarily believe most of it I still find it so interesting to dive into and read about, just thinking about the possibility of any of it actually being real. Ever since I first went on the internet I scoured it for stories and videos of the unexplained and of the paranormal and cryptid beasts apparently caught on camera!

Yeah, as a kid it was not the brightest idea as it did scare me and keep me up at night, but now I have grown up and use more logic I can keep myself from being anywhere as afriad as I once was of this stuff, although I still keep an open and weary mind… just in case. Some of the things out there are simply just too scary if they did actually exist so it is always best to be on the safe side.

As for myself I have not really had any significant experiences with the unexplained that could not just be simply explained as a dream and mostly it all likely was just me being in a dream state. I can confidently say that nothing has ever been experienced by me that is generally 100% unexplainable, at least yet anyway. But that does not keep me from not bothering to look into this stuff and being emersed by it.

To me when I view this stuff I view it as if it is another world that borders our own and that it is completely its own thing and that makes sense as it is so weird and hard to comprehend most of it, that it does pretty much exist within its very own, very large world that crosses into our own. Are these things real becuase we make them real or are they real becuase they are actually genuinely real? I cannot say either way, no one truly can and most likely no one ever will be able to figure this out. But none of it is proven so in scientific terms that means it simply does not officially exist. But again, it is fun to speculate because unexplained events obviously exist, they just need to be explained and many exist that have not been explained and probably never will be explained. Although they sometimes are actually explained, for example, the mystery of sailing stones was very recently solved thanks to modern technology!

There are so many videos out there to watch on UFO’s, ghosts and supposed cryptids caught on camera and just so many stories to find that it can entertain you for weeks, months and even years on end. The vibes I get from reading and watching about this sort of stuff are what enable me to enjoy this stuff so much. The fact that with all this stuff in my head I can look out of the window into the sky or just general distance and think, that out there, there is so much mystery and so many things that need to be explained really intrigues me.

I think what draws so many people to it is the excitement of discovery and the feeling of thrill they can get out of it and thinking about the possibilities and implications on life as we know it if much of this stuff does in fact exist, at least in some form. All in all it makes you think there has to be some kind of power out there that we just don’t know how to explain, at least not yet. Maybe the mystery itself is just how powerful our minds are, to come up with these things and the hysteria it can cause to make us think some of these things do exist as well as the illusions our mind can create to make us believe in some of this stuff.

So with my great interest within all of this sort of stuff it only makes sense to incorperate that into my blogposts and focus on specific topics on each post through research and analysis and to spur discussion about it here on this blog. Bigfoot, Aliens, Ghosts, Folklore, Unexplained Phenomena. Who knows what each of my Mystery blog posts will focus on next. So stay tuned!

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