Blog Information/Announcements

May not Actually be too Much Longer + Haunted Files Update + Tease of Other Upcoming Series

So just the other Friday I talked about me and my brother moving to our own place soon and already we have a place that we are going to be looking at soon and for all I know we could be moving in there within as soon as a week or two, although we do […]


Obscure Encounters – The Black-eyed Children

The Black-eyed Children commonly referred to as BEC’s are an unusual entity that some people claim to have witnessed in the United States and United Kingdom. They appear to be some kind of spirit or possibly demon that can haunt certain places from time to time and act with malicious intent. Many times, they may […]


10 Strange Paranormal Powers and Phenomena – Part 6 – Unexplained Animal Mutilations and Slaughters

Unexplained animal mutilations tend to run on a common theme, often that they are done with extreme, almost unnatural surgical precision, and that they often happen during the night and that it can also be common for a spate to happen within a given area one first occurs. A lot of the time every drop […]


Mermaid – Obscure Encounters

Perhaps you scoffed upon glancing over the word “mermaid” or “mermen”, thinking surely something such as this doesn’t at all exist? Like really, an underwater humanoid with a big fishy tail… swimming out in the sea? Surely not… that is something confined to silly fairytales and Disney movies! But nope, there are some out there […]


Shadow People – Obscure Encounters 

The Shadow People are strange alleged entities that, as you can guess, cast unexplained shadows, as if a person is standing there, but no one is in sight. There have been described many types, some tall, some short, some even with red glowing eyes. Some are described as evil while others are described as mischievous, […]


The Paranormal Alphabet – Q – The Queensland Tiger + Bonus Creature

Now that we are nearing the end of this series it is becoming difficult to find options of things to do for letters such as Q, X and Z. So, I have chosen this relatively obscure cryptid that is known as the Queensland Tiger. I will try and put as much in on it as […]


Men in Black and Unusual Officials – Obscure Encounters

The Men in Black is perhaps one of the strangest and most bizarre mysteries there is in the United States of America and also other parts of the world from time to time. Often described as strange, robotic-like humanoids who do not at-all act like humans. Often, they are as is in the name, dressed […]


The Paranormal Alphabet – P – Poltergeist

A poltergeist is an entity from the realms of the paranormal, some describe them as angry restless spirits of those deceased while others are described as dangerous inhuman demons while other people believe it is accidently caused by people with limited telekinesis/psychokinesis. All in all, the poltergeist is an alleged entity that is able to […]


10 Strange Paranormal Powers and Phenomena – Part 5

Spontaneous Human Combustion Next up we move to a scarier and more macabre subject that can also potentially be related to unexplained levels of energy within the body, at least in some of the theories of course. It is the unexplained and alleged phenomenon of spontaneous human combustion. I remember when I first came across this […]


The Paranormal Alphabet – I – Indrid Cold, The Smiling Man

Welcome back to the next edition of the Paranormal Alphabet series where we have reached I. With I, I am going to talk about a purported being of possibly alien origin or who is part of or related to the infamous supposed Men in Black secretive government group. The being, known as Indrid Cold, otherwise […]